
Showing posts from September, 2019

About Me, An INFJ — Using Other People's Words!

What if I wrote a description of myself only using quotes about INFJs? I wondered. As I began implementing this idea I realized it would be a little dry if I didn’t add some personal notes that were genuinely specific to my life experiences occasionally, so there are some statements below that are not in quotes that I have added. Also, I have adjusted the quotes to put them into first person so that it reads like I wrote this about myself, which, via compilation – I have. INFJ Quotes That Describe Me – Raederle INFJ Quotes That Describe Me: Career “Sharing my insights through writing, counseling, and leadership makes me happy.” I can be described as a “dreamer with a plan.” I “follow through on my ideas with conviction.” In fact, everything on this website reflects lifestyle choices and experiences that I’ve personally undertaken for at least a few months of my life (if not years). I don’t just repeat the revelations of others; I seek my own truth, walk my own truth, an

How to Become Polyamorous

I have a stable monogamous relationship right now, but I'm interested in acquiring someone who would be like a sister to my wife and and a lover to me. How can I manifest that? Getting into polyamory is really all about mastering monogamy and relationships in general. The better you are at directly asking for your needs, owning up to yourself what your needs actually are, admitting when you've been wrong, etc, the easier it is to manifest and maintain multiple relationships. Practical Polyamory Tips Attend polyamory-themed events and gatherings. Buy polyamory-themed game to help prepare you and your partner for polyamorous life situations. Read polyamory-themed forums. Read books or listen to podcasts about relationships in general. I prefer Teal Swan for relationship advice. Communicate a lot with your existing partner about what you want, what both of you need to feel safe and happy, and where your limits are and where her limits are. Develop a clear idea of