
Showing posts from July, 2019

Ridiculously Delicious Recipes In 5 Minutes!

Appliance-Free, 5-Minute, Revitalizing Recipes! These healthy recipes are crazy easy , and yet they're completely unique creations. You know how difficult situations lead to new innovations? That's what's created these healthy, quick, satisfying, and insanely delicious recipes. Let me explain. When I was sixteen I developed stomach-ulcers due to severely repressed fear and other emotions. I was putting on weight and becoming increasingly incapable of functioning. The level of pain I experienced in my stomach each day was debilitating. After a year of pain I went on an elimination diet. I felt incredibly better. I discovered raw foods. I lost thirty pounds in thirty days without adding exercise to my lifestyle. I went vegan for three years, and then discovered that I benefited from including raw (A2A2) dairy on occasion. Along the way I began traveling increasingly often and for longer and longer durations. It began with a three-week, 9,000 mile road trip when