
Showing posts from October, 2018

Six Weeks on the Plant Paradox Program

For years I had not been able to eat avocados without severe intestinal bloating. The bloating came from gas trapped inside me, and when it finally came out it was some of the worst-smelling gas you can imagine. The bloating itself was highly painful, making it difficult to sit upright, exercise, or even lay down in certain positions. It was hard to sleep at night after eating avocados between the awful smell and constant pain. Needless to say, I simply didn't eat avocados for most of my twenties as a result. In August of 2018 I read The Plant Paradox and learned that my reaction to avocados would probably be eliminated if I could heal my gut barrier. Similarly, I would also be able to eat onion and garlic again, which I had not been able to eat for six or seven years due (presumably) to their high FODMAP content. Dr. Gundry explained that FODMAP sensitivity was simply another symptom of leaky gut. In further research online, I found that oxalic acid sensitivity was yet anot

School Abused Me For 10 Years

Do I seem stupid to you? As an author of multiple books, an entrepreneur who started her own business operations in her late teens, do I seem like a simpleton? Probably not. Then why, looking back to fourth and fifth grade, was I the worst in the class in multiple subjects? Why was I last in foreign language, last in history, last in reading comprehension, last in spelling, last in gym, and nearly last in “form drawing” which is a special little subject that only exists in Waldorf schools so far as I know. I was also last in “handwork” class and music to boot. Math was the only subject where I was excelling. In first grade I was at a public school, and the story was much the same. I wasn’t “the worst” in all of those subjects, but I was near to it. And this wasn’t because I was busy socializing. I didn’t have friends and didn’t know how to make them either. I was labeled a trouble-maker. My fifth grade school told my parents it was mandatory for me to get professiona

A Letter To Our Community Bread-maker

I wrote to our community bread-maker: You may recall me being philosophically negative about bread in general. I want to let you know that I've changed my stance. Much of my stance had to do with a negative connotation derived from the Roman concept of "bread and circuses" which is really unfair to pin to bread specifically since that concept was using bread as a general notion of free food to distract the populace from what was happening in government at the time. Yes, I resented bread being used as a general stand-in for food at large, but much of that resentment had to do with my personal health grievances. In August I read a book that has changed my stance on bread, and many other stances, dramatically. Because of reading The Plant Paradox , I now understand that my negative reaction to eating bread is not just the fault of gluten. The most recent time I had bread was in 2012 on a roadtrip with Lytenian. I had a slice of sprouted, whole-grain, organic bread w