
Showing posts from January, 2018

Why Healing Is Harmful

What I'm about the explain to you is why focusing on "healing" is harmful, and how our healing-centric mindset in self-help communities, raw food communities and spiritual communities is actually doing more harm than good. But in order to explain this, I'm going to tell you more about myself than I have in any other single article I have on the web. Be warned: this is a graphic, revealing, and intimate article. Have you ever had an experience where you honestly believed you had healed a physical or emotional ailment but then a week, a month, a year or even a decade later, it was back? I imagine we've all had this experience at least once, if not dozens and dozens of times. When I examine my past carefully, I notice that this happens with virtually everything I ever thought I had "healed." The truth is not that I've healed it, but that I've seen more it, accepted more of it, and found a new, improved way to cope with it. This is true on the