
Showing posts from June, 2017

Menstrual Cramps, Bloating, PMS, UGH!

Goodbye Cramps, Hello Energetic Living! My friend writes: "I'm sorry to say I have to use Advil once a month for my cramps or I'm in complete agony. I have a tilted uterus and have been told my cramps are child-labor contractions like." Can you relate? I sure can! I also have a tilted uterus. I used to be out of commission for three days a month. In high school I wondered, "How do women hold a job when they clearly need to take of several days of work each month to handle this pain?" I often thought my degree of pain was abnormal, but I'm beginning to think it isn't uncommon. Leg cramps, nausea, bloating, overall body tiredness that makes it hard to move, low energy, foggy thinking, sudden loss of ability to move or think or do anything but clutch one stomach in agony... Yeah, every month. I tried various pain relievers and none of them worked. I tried walking it out, sleeping it off, even vigorous excerise. Surprisingly, that seems to he

How I Have Two Husbands

Lytenian and I have always had a very open-minded stance on love, romance, intimacy, and relationships. I asked him in our early days how he felt about cheating. I'd cheated before. 1 My first love left me for cheating after we'd been together for nearly two years. At the age of fifteen I felt like my life was over. I tried very hard to conform myself to monogamy. 2 I committed myself further. 3 I resisted the urge. 4 But it was painful, and it didn't feel natural to me. 5 Before reading more of this article, you may want to read my post about our imagined boundaries where I define what I mean by “love,” and by “romance,” and by “intimacy” which I believe are very important terms to define in relationships. My Relationship With Lytenian Lytenian has helped me a lot. 6 He helped me release stagnant energy from my lower chakras that was causing me to fixate on sexuality. 7 He helped me heal from previous traumas 8 that reduced my more kinky desires. Lyt

How We Became Polyamorous

Before you read about how my husband and I came to be polyamorous, I recommend reading this post where I laid the groundwork for understanding this topic completely. In order to discuss polyamory, we first have to get on the same page about love, romance, intimacy, friendship, relationships, sexuality, and monogamy. Having a semantical misunderstanding about any of these concepts makes communication on the subject of polyamory virtually impossible. After reading that post, you may want to go on to read about why I almost left Lytenian, my husband, in the summer of 2015 . And now, let me go back to the beginning . . . We Met Online, 2,500 Miles Distant From One Another Lytenian and I met on OKCupid. We had both answered over eight hundred match questions and we mutually had a 92% match rating at the time we met online, November 2009. Our first skype call lasted twelve hours! We literally talked until he had to leave for work the following morning. Lytenian and I in 2010 i

Curing Chronic Constipation

The saying that someone who is heavily bound by strict rules is "anal retentive" is absolutely true. I am my own primary study of this. I've suffered from chronic constipation my entire life. I could define constipation at the age of four, much to the discomfort of adults at my daycare. I know all the tricks. Here are some . . . Chronic-Consta-Cures! Chia-Prune Pudding ½ cup chia seeds 6 minced prunes 1 cup water or distilled aloe juice 2 pinches cinnamon (recommended), organic vanilla powder (fun for variety) or raw cacao powder (extra consta-cure kick) Directions : Stir all ingredients together and let thicken for five to ten minutes or leave in the fridge until you're ready for it. Note : Stays good in the fridge for four days. Chocolate-Aloe Smoothie 1-2 bananas (fresh or frozen – I recommend one of each or half of each) 2-6 tablespoons fresh aloe vera (cut from a house plant, spines removed – you can leave the skin on for extra cons

Why I Almost Left My Husband

In July 2015 I almost left my husband, Lytenian. We married in June 2010, so we were starting out sixth year of marriage. We'd been traveling for months, and we'd shared many transformative experiences together. Despite being the best of friends, I was feeling increasingly resentful. Lytenian & Raederle, 2010, outside our apartment in Walnut Creek, California (U.S.A.) When we got married, it was my intention to always be a stay-at-home wife, and eventually, a stay-at-home-mom. When I insisted that we move across the country (from California, where we'd lived together for our first year, to Buffalo, NY, my home city), he moved away from his job. Raederle & Lytenian, 2011, on a roadtrip with my father to North Carolina from western New York (U.S.A.) I had a small gig working for The Vegetarian Health Institute and a small amount of income from my business ( But at the time of the move, it only amounted to $100 to $200 per month. I start

Heal Your Thyroid With Voice Consciousness

Do you ever notice your voice changing as you talk about someone you used to date, or a place you used to live? Do you ever notice yourself speaking differently at work or at home? Do you use a different voice when speaking to babies or pets? Have you ever been under hypnosis and noticed a different voice? Have you ever consciously used a different voice and then noticed it made you feel different? If you can say "yes" to any of these, then you've experienced what it means for different aspects of yourself to have different voices. Consciously using different voices can be used as tool to explore different facets of yourself. This practice strengthens the health and integration in your throat chakra as well as creating more integration and freedom within your mind and emotional body. It is important to note that disorders involving the thyroid and lymph system along the jawline will always include a strong component of dis-integrated communications within onesel

All Marjoram is Oregano, but not All Oregano is Marjoram

How can you tell the difference between oregano and marjoram? Origanum Majorana – Sweet Marjoram There are more than fifty kinds of oregano, and marjoram is just one kind. The genus name is origanum – all marjoram is oregano, but not all oregano is marjoram. Sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana) is just one variety. While I was on Kaua'i island we had the delightful privilege of unlimited access to what was locally called "Mexican oregano" which had leaves bigger than our hands. It was easy to harvest, and rich in the chemical component that makes oregano taste like oregano – carvacrol. With a little research, I have found that it would be more accurate to call what we had there "Cuban oregano." Or perhaps it would make the most sense (since Kaua'i is a Hawai'ian island) to just call it "Hawai'ian oregano!" This photo (below) is one I took while I was there. In the upper left of the photo you can see a plant with purple on the unde

I Am Multitudes, Not Monolith

In coming to embrace myself as a multitude (rather than a monolith), I've come to find myself resonating with many things that other aspects of me revile. It is tough to teach consciousness alchemy through demonstration. Even my favorite guru, Teal Swan, a teacher of " AND Consciousness " and " the multitudes within " does not demonstrate these multitudes. Why? Because, after all, the followers still expect consistency within a personality. It is a strong social norm for people to remain the same person week after week. We even compliment people for being extremely "stable" or "like a rock." What if we complimented someone for being someone different each day? It would be hard, because much of our sense of safety relies on people being consistent. Marriage To A Multitude Greg actually admits to me that he sometimes wakes up and wonders who he is married to today. I've been on a mission to embrace and express every forgotte