
Showing posts from January, 2016

Raspberry Apple Goji Raw Granola Recipe

Do you miss granola? Many of us have had to give up our breakfast cereal – sensitivities to sweeteners, gluten, or diary really put a cramp in one's breakfast style. Being sensitive to all three (like me!) made granola a huge challenge. Even raw oats don't agree with me very well! First I switched to honey-only granola with rice milk, but after a year I realized I really did have more energy when I didn't consume store-bought rice milk or the honey-sweetened granola either. When I discovered raw food I tried making my own from buckwheat and dried fruit along with home-made almond milk. I found that it took a lot of dried fruit to make the almond milk and buckwheat palatable to me, and overall felt heavy after consuming it. Besides, it took too much preparation time! Years later I discovered that raw goat milk agreed very well with my body (even though pasteurized goat milk and cow milk both upset my stomach and give me acid reflux, gas, and fatigue). I found that I c