
Showing posts from August, 2014

All Foods Are Complete Proteins

6 Critical Things You Don't Know About Plants One: All Plants Are Complete Proteins All plants — even “poisonous” plants — contain all the essential amino acids. This means that all plants are "complete proteins." That said, some produce items are particularly low in a specific amino acid or two, which is one of many reasons why it is vital to vary what you eat. For example, blueberries are low in the amino acid lysine, but watermelons, cauliflower and spinach are all high in lysine. Click here for the full scoop on protein. Two: All Plants Are Loaded With Vitamins & Minerals Every plant has a wide array of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, carbohydrates, fats, fibers and (as just mentioned) proteins. Keeping that in mind, isn't it pretty meaningless when someone says "mushrooms have a wide variety of essential vitamins and minerals"? This sort of statement appears in articles across the web and in magazines, ye

Shop Responsibly, Shop Green & Donate

Have you ever followed the money trail? You spend $50 at the grocery store. Where does that $50 go? How much goes to the employees, and how much goes to shipping their goods in? How do the employees, in turn, spend their wages? I believe these are vital questions to ask. Why? Because we're somehow living in a world where corporations are running the show. They can't do that without us giving them our money. Even if you're an unusual exception — a bike-riding, food-growing, do-it-yourself sort of person — it is obvious that the majority of people are somehow empowering corporations with a lot of money. That money, in turn, influences politics and its all down the toilet from there. If you're on my website, and more so on this page, you probably already know a lot about the problem, so let's skip to the solution, okay? Buying from each other. Growing our own as much as possible. Shopping organic and local. Ideally, shop from people you know

Thank You For Your Donation

Thank you for your donation! That is very considerate, kind and forward-thinking of you! I believe in a world where we all get paid to do what we do best: what we love to do. I love to research, to draw, to edit, and to write. By donating to me, you're supporting my work. If you're not already signed up for my free e-course, please sign up below. I keep my e-course free so that nobody is kept from benefiting from it just because of lack of funds. However, it costs me over $50 a month to provide this course, so if you find it helpful, please donate and spread the word about it. If everyone who took the course donated $2 per lesson (that's roughly $8 a month), my expenses and time would be covered. That is a great bargain for both of us! So thank you for being part of that! Related posts of mine: Why should good work be rewarded less? Rethink Charity: Seriously! Getting the most nutrition per dollar Eating Health on a Budget: Radio Show Episode How much land doe