
Showing posts from January, 2014

Curb Cravings Naturally With These Easy Tips

To kick off the New Year of 2014, fitness guru Lynnis invited me onto The Wellness Journey's radio show. I come on at 16:30. You can listen to it right here on this page: Listen To Health Internet Radio Stations with The Wellness Journey on BlogTalkRadio Click here to check out Lynnis's fantastic website. To sign up for my free e-course (and not fall off the wagon!) and learn about eliminating cravings, developing effective self-motivating habits, finding new and delicious recipes that support your immune system and balance your hormones, enter your name and e-mail below. You'll get lessons once or twice a week. As of the time of my writing this, there are 35 lessons, and more are on the way. Here are some of the responses to the lessons: "Thank you so much. I feel like a little kid in a candy store when I received this e-mail." ~ Valerie "I just love your emails!!! You are such an inspiration to me!!! WOW!!! I've been vegan for 23 years n

How To Create Your Own Board Game On The Game Crafter

There are a lot of things they don't tell you on The Game Crafter about creating your own game. To help crafters avoid the mistakes I've been making, I've created this page. Coloration Changes When Printing Your Board Game My biggest irk when my first prototype arrived was that all the art was darker than it had been on my monitor. This meant adjusting the coloration of every single object on every single card in the entire game as well as the manual. Make the art brighter than you actually want it, at least by a smidge. Very dark colors will appear to be black when printed. Will the 5 by 8 Booklet Fit Inside The Medium Pro Box? In chat, I was told that it would fit just fine. But in actuality, its a bit wider than the box and has to be warped to fit inside the box with it closed. What you want is the 4.5 by 8 Booklet (the "tall" one) for a Medium Pro Box. Note that the Medium Pro Box and the Medium Tuck Box are not the same size. How much can fit