Sugar Blues by William Dufty

I transcribed the following from a brilliant book by William Dufty, pages 89 to 92:

Science writer A. W. Pezet, trained at Harvard and MIT was misdiagnosed and mistreated for ten years before he found a doctor who spotted the trouble, confirmed it with a GTT test, and took him off sugar. Pezet saw his symptoms fade. He asked some hard questions of his physician, Dr. E. M. Abrahamson. “Why do so many doctors know little or nothing about a constellation of symptoms which afflicts millions of people? If the diagnosis is so simple, and the removal of the cause of the symptoms is simpler still, what’s happened to medical education?”

Pezet’s sense of mission deepended when he discovered that his wife suffered the same symptoms he had and quitting sugar gave her the same relief. The result was the Abrahamson-Pezet collaboration, a landmark volume: Body, Mind and Sugar, first published in 1951. Its sale of over 200,000 copies in hardcover was evidence of the intense public interest in the subject.

...Patients began asking their doctors for GTT tests, and the word hypoglycemia passed into common currency. Unfortunately, use of the terms like “low blood sugar” and “sugar starved” on the paperback edition, published later, created some confusion. Many people were led to believe misinformed doctors who said that the answer to “sugar starvation” was to eat candy bars between meals.

In 1969, nutritionist Carlton Fredericks collaborated with Dr. Herman Goodman on the invaluable popular book, Low Blood Sugar and You.

Despite such medical and general books and articles, the AMA continues to assure America that they know best about what’s not supposed to be ailing us. The Journal of the American Medical Association pronounced in 1973:

“Recent publicity in the popular press has led the public to believe that the occurrence of hypoglycemia is widespread in this country and that many of the symptoms that affect the American population are not recognized as being caused by this condition. These claims are not supported by medical evidence...

“Hypoglycemia means low level of blood sugar. When it occurs, it is often attended by symptoms of sweating, shakiness, trembling, anxiety, fast heart action, headache, hunger sensations, brief feelings of weakness, and, occasionally, seizures and coma. However, the majority of people with these kinds of symptoms do not have hypoglycemia.”

How in the name of Allah can they claim to know?

What are they telling us? Only a minority, maybe 49.2 percent, of the U.S. population has hypoglycemia?

Among the people who wondered about that point was Marilyn Hamilton Light, Executive Director of the Adrenal Metabolic Research Society of the Hypoglycemia Foundation. (She had suffered through the same nightmare as Dr. Gyland and A. W. Pezet.) According to the foundation files, their average undiagnosed or misdiagnosed victim of the sugar blues has visited twenty physicians and four psychiatrists before discovering (by word of mouth, pure chance, or reading) the possibility of their having hypoglycemia, later confirmed by a GTT test.

Marilyn Light wrote the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and asked for their figures on the prevalence of hypoglycemia in the U.S. Here’s the answer she received:

“. . . unpublished data from the Health Interview show that an estimated 66,000 cases were reported in household interviews of the civilian, non-institutional population during the fiscal year of 1966-67.

“Out of 134,000 people interviewed, 66,000 cases of hypoglycemia were reported. This represents 49.2 percent of those interviewed.”

Not a majority, only 49.2 percent!

Further inquiry to the Agency established the following points:

1. The same interview sample is used by the U.S. government to establish data and rends on all sorts of health problems.

2. People interviewed were not prompted in any way. Neither the word hypoglycemia nor the term “low blood sugar” appeared on the checklist of chronic conditions people were asked about.

3. Interviewers had to depend on a catch-all question: “Do you have any other condition?” to get their answers.

4. The respondents had to be aware of their condition, they had to know what to call it, and they had to be willing to volunteer it to the interviewer before they were counted.

5. Despite the fact that 49.2 figure is already ten years old [45 years old by 2011], and should represent a major alert on the widespread prevalence of the sugar blues (comparative epidemic basis), the HEW never subsequently added hypoglycemia to the survey checklist and “has no plans in the near future to include it.”

Are you ready for that?

Can you imagine the HEW and the AMA calling off a drive against cancer or heart disease because it does not yet afflict the majority of the population, only a paltry 49.2 percent?

The difference between the expensive diseases like cancer and the cheap ones like sugar blues is crucial. Present-day orthodox treatment for cancer is fiendishly expensive. Your financial ruin is your doctor’s yacht. The treatment for sugar blues or hypoglycemia is a do-it-yourself proposition. Kick man-refined sugar and say goodbye to doctor and hospital bills. Mink coats for the wives and sunshine seminars in Bermuda can hardly be squeezed from that.

By the 1970s, the slogan was preventive medicine. What the diseasestablishment means by preventive medicine, however, is regular and costly visits to an MD or clinic for expensive tests, and, maybe, a free sermon on smoking or cholesterol if Doc can hide his paunch under his white coat and abstain from tobacco long enough to deliver it. Plenty of money can be made from this kind of preventive medicine, from people terrified of cancer and heart disease.

Medicine has only one valid answer for preventing the sugar blues, or hypoglycemia, or pre-diabetes: preventive nutrition. Stop eating sugar. Stop! Before you ruin your adrenals. Before you end up with symptoms of the sugar blues, hypoglycemia, prediabetic condition, diabetes mellitus, whatever you want to call it.

How much money can anybody charge your for simple advice like that?

. . .

The above is an excerpt from “Sugar Blues” by William Dufty. I highly recommend buying the book and reading it fully. There is a fascinating tale of medical history, links between cane plantations and crusades, links between sugar consumption and war, slavery caused by the need for people to work sugarcane plantations, the development of beet-sugar and it’s connection to the abolition of slavery, and countless excerpts from history that pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know.

Personally: I saw multiple doctors in my teens for my own problems. My family didn’t have a lot of money to throw at seeing physicians, so when the time came where I was paralyzed with pain hours each and every day, I finally hit the internet for answers. Six years of daily research later, I’m ridiculed as an extremist. I’ve been told the classic countless times: “It’s all in your head.” Let me ask you something: is it all in your head? Or is your suffering completely real and tangible and affecting every part of your life negatively?

For anyone who doesn’t believe now, you will in twenty years. The man who invented insulin as a treatment for diabetes admitted years later that insulin will not cure diabetes, but elimination of sugar could. Man-refined sugars, including corn syrup, cane sugar, brown sugar, molasses, etc. Next time you have a headache, stomach ache, back-pain, feeling of weakness, etc, think about what you ate most recently and over the past three days.

When you know the facts about high fructose corn syrup, sugar (even “naturally milled organic cane sugar”), agave nectar, etc, you will begin to feel very differently about your friends offering you candies and desserts.

They’re coming up with new ways to poison us all the time: not because they want us to die, but because they don’t care if we do. They’ll be rich, and we’ll be suffering until we’re dead.

Who is this proverbial “they”?

The pharmaceutical owners, the owners of sugarcane plantations, the manufacturers of corn syrup, the leaders of companies like Monsanto... These days they’re trying to tell us that Canola Oil is healthy and the MSG is natural...

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