True Belonging, Seeking Containment & How Modern Life Limits Connection

True belonging is that feeling where you know that your participation in life itself is completely welcome. It’s taking a breath of air and knowing that you have a right to it. It’s opening your arms and fully expecting a loving embrace. It is opening your mouth and knowing that the words that come from your heart will be received and heard. So few of us know what this type of belonging even means, and even less of us have ever tasted it, much less lived inside it. We are always looking for containment in this modern world because we have lost community. True belonging is perhaps too complete and perfect of a concept to hope for. We don’t really understand true belonging, because we don’t have it modeled for us and we don’t experience it. But we have lesser forms of it. We have lesser forms of containment – and connection. The forms of containment available to us may be found where some form of belonging and connection meet. Containment is the primary reason why seeing a the...