
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Consciousness Alchemy Glossary

Language shapes our thoughts. What we can put into words, we can conceive and understand – at least intellectually. Without words, we’re groping for concepts out of our experiences without any way (short of telepathy) to communicate to others our conclusions. Worse, we may not even have a method for communicating our realizations to ourselves. The process of turning experiences into words and communicating with ourselves and others about our experiences is integral to the long-term retention of our realizations and our ability to reflect back on what we’ve experienced. This glossary is a collection of phrases and words that have established meanings that I believe greatly enhance our ability to internalize valuable lessons and communicate more effectively with our loved ones. If you’ve read Stranger in a Strange Land , you may appreciate the idea of calling this The Martian Dictionary . Other titles I considered included The New Age Glossary , and, Mind and Emotions Glossary