I started keeping a journal at the age of ten, in 1999. In 2015, at the age of 26, I began I writing my journal entries in a more novel-like fashion, bringing in a lot of dialog and action. Sharing my life transparently, in its whole, is a dream of mine.
“What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.” — Muriel Rukeyser
It is my aim to do just that: to tell the full truth of my life.
This page is updated with more links roughly monthly. (Last updated April 13th 2020.)
Timeline |
- 2020 — Ithaca, New York
- 2019 — Ithaca, New York
- 2018 — Ithaca, New York
- 2014 — Buffalo, New York & More Chronic Travels
- 2013 — Kaua’i Island
- 2012 — Florida Roadtrip
- 2010 — Walnut Creek, California
- 2005 and Earlier — Buffalo, New York
Raederle’s 2020 Diary
Age 31
 This year is only just beginning to unfold; what will it bring?
January 2020 |
February 2020 |
March 2020 |
Raederle’s 2019 Diary
Age 30
 Learning piano for the first time. Diving into Myers-Briggs and cognitive functions. Striving for balance between diving into emotions, processing them, and just letting things be. This is my fourth year living in Ithaca, NY.
February 2019 |
May 2019 |
July 2019 |
August 2019 |
September 2019 |
October 2019 |
November 2019 |
December 2019 |
Raederle’s 2018 Diary
Age 29
 Over the course of this year I drew the illustrations which became my coloring book, Waveward Dreams.
September 2018 |
October 2018 |
Raederle’s 2014 Diary
Age 25
 Late in this year I began writing my book Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year (or Less!).
January 2014 |
March 2014 |
Raederle’s 2013 Diary
Age 24
 In the summer of 2013 I made a radical leap and traveled with Lytenian to Kaua’i island for nearly five months. We lived off the land, and sometimes we literally didn’t know where our next meal was coming from.
February 2013 |
April 2013 |
May 2013 |
June 2013 |
July 2013 |
Raederle’s 2012 Diary
Age 23
 Lytenian and I went on a long road trip in 2012 which included a ten-day visit in Florida (near St. Augustine). During this time I learned my deep love of the ocean. I realized that living in a beach house would be worth it – even if I died young in a tsunami.
January 2012 |
February 2012 |
Raederle’s 2010 Diary-Blog
Age 21
 In June 2010 I said vows to Lytenian. In September of 2010 I went raw vegan and remained strictly on that diet for a full year. I was living in Walnut Creek, California at this time in Lytenian’s apartment there.
June 2010 |
August 2010 |
September 2010 |
October 2010 |
November 2010 |
Raederle’s 2005 & Earlier Diary
 I’m the child of two college-educated baby-boomers who happened to raise me in a ghetto where being white made me the minority. I changed schools almost every year, never fitting in anywhere. My immune system was so poor that I had chicken pox twice and mono four times. I hit puberty at nine years old, and quickly became obsessed with sexuality and seeking love.
1999 |
2000 |