
Showing posts from February, 2020

Health Hacks without Changing Diet or Exercise

Photograph of Raederle, summer of 2019 As may be evident from my articles over the last decade, I strongly advocate changing your diet if you want to see changes in your health. It is the fastest, most effective, and most important element of your life when it comes to how good you feel, how good you look, and how good every part of your body operates. Tweet , February 2020 That said, it has been brought to my awareness that I have underestimated the power of many facets of life outside of diet and exercise. These two pillars of good health are not the only pillars, even though they are the most significant, with diet being central. However, even when it comes to improving digestion, changing what you eat isn't the only option, even if it is the most important one. And for someone like me, who has already tweaked and perfected my understanding of food and my relationship with food for nearly fifteen years now, my attention is frequently grabbed by these other

Intrinsic Motivation Creates Productivity

People are often surprised by how much I’ve authored, illustrated, and overall published in my thirty-one years. Sometimes it astonishes me too, particularly when I think about how little time I spend “working” in contrast to most people. One large difference between me and many of my peers is that I have the same understanding that Teal presents in this video, How to be Productive : You can’t expect good results when you’re fighting with yourself. If you hate what you’re doing, you’re not going to achieve maximum productivity. Furthermore: Focus on your area of excellence. When I was reading First, Break All The Rules , I learned that studies have confirmed something I’ve always intuitively known: You have a greater capacity for improving the area you already excel in than you do for improving your weak points. Savvy business professionals today know that they’re better off investing their time, energy, and resources into their strengths and the strengths of

Costa Rica Travel Preparations: Linen!

In preparing to go to Costa Rica I read many travel blogs. I was looking for packing list ideas, and of course, safety precautions. Of course, it's going to be hot and humid, which is part of what I love about the tropics. (If you're a student of Ayurveda you may recognize the vata in me needing warmth and moisture!) In preparation for the weather, I've been looking at linen. Linen is a traditional fiber used by humans for thousands of years. It comes from flax. The lovely flax plant has been used as a source of both food and fiber, using the seeds as meal and oil, and the fiber to make fabric. Flax, unlike cotton, doesn't require the use of massive amounts of pesticides, so I feel comfortable with buying linen that isn't certified organic (which is nearly impossible to find anyhow – why bother certifying something that has such a cleaner process to begin with?). I've been collecting a few linen items at thrift stores, but a huge problem for me with sho