Sunday, September 22, 2019

About Me, An INFJ — Using Other People's Words!

What if I wrote a description of myself only using quotes about INFJs? I wondered. As I began implementing this idea I realized it would be a little dry if I didn’t add some personal notes that were genuinely specific to my life experiences occasionally, so there are some statements below that are not in quotes that I have added. Also, I have adjusted the quotes to put them into first person so that it reads like I wrote this about myself, which, via compilation – I have.

INFJ Quotes That Describe Me – Raederle

INFJ Quotes That Describe Me: Career

“Sharing my insights through writing, counseling, and leadership makes me happy.”
I can be described as a “dreamer with a plan.” I “follow through on my ideas with conviction.” In fact, everything on this website reflects lifestyle choices and experiences that I’ve personally undertaken for at least a few months of my life (if not years). I don’t just repeat the revelations of others; I seek my own truth, walk my own truth, and then tout it from the rooftops if I deem it valuable enough. I “live for the opportunity to bring about positive change in the world.”
I “see through situations and people effectively and enjoy developing practical strategies for action.” I am a “creative problem-solver and I look for the emotional core of an issue to create a meeting of the minds.” When my clients have food cravings I look for both the physical cause and the emotional cause to help build an encompassing, healthier solution for them.
I “desire cooperation, but I am not willing to go along with an idea that does not feel authentic to me. When it comes to my core values and ethics, I am unwilling to compromise.” I once refused to put labels in the ground after planting a garden for someone because it would be littering. I “function best when I am in control of my life, environment, priorities, and schedule.” In fact, I only had a boss for about a year of my life (while I was a teenager) and I couldn’t stand it. I’ve been freelance since I was eighteen. (In 2022, I’m thirty-three.)
When I’m emotionally exhausted or disengaged, I’m not “always as diligent about the small stuff as I should be.” And when I “doubt myself, I struggle to stay committed, and exhaust myself in the process.” The thing is, “simply working to pay my bills will leave me feeling empty and restless. Sure, I can do routine tasks, but I must see how it fits into the bigger picture.”
I am “productive and effective when I make a concerted effort to focus on one project at a time. But my fertile imagination frequently undermines my efforts to stay focused. I will often start new projects based on fresh inspirations before old ones are finished. There is really nothing I can do to moderate the pace of their inspirations” and I can’t imagine wanting all my good ideas to stop coming anyway, “but if I constantly remind myself to slow down, I can sometimes resist the urge to go off on new tangents.” Ideally, I would work with others who were good at carrying out my visions so that I could see more of my ideas and projects completed.
I “require some amount of routine and orderliness to function at my best. I like planning because it gives me time to prepare. My plans tend to be fairly loose and flexible, however, because I am an N, not a S. A weekly calendar with a few things penned in serves me, but not an hour-by-hour day planner.”
“In my head, I’m constantly working out schedules and to-do lists, from tasks for the next five minutes to complex visualizations of what the next five years should look like. Obviously, these arrangements get adapted as things develop in different ways and situations change, but the point is, the plan is always there — even if I don’t write it down.” One of the best examples of this is my garden. At any given moment I have a vision for how I ultimately want my paradise to look, and whenever I am gardening I am working toward that vision. That said, the internal plan I have is revised at least a little every couple months, and it has gone through at least one major revision each year.

INFJ Quotes That Describe Me: Environment

I am “deeply moved by beauty, whether it’s a masterfully designed environment, a breath-taking work of art, or a song that touches my heart.” I find it easiest to concentrate on work when I am surrounded by beauty whilst also creating beauty. I “need my environments to be organized. I am not the type to alphabetize my bookshelves – as attending to tiny details in my environment can drain me – but I do need things generally picked up, put away, and clutter-free. I tend to like minimalist environments, because too much stuff in sight can overwhelm my already busy mind.” I also simply love a bare room with a beautiful floor for expressive dancing.

INFJ Quotes That Describe Me: Intuition

“Introverted Intuition, or Ni for short, is my main cognitive attitude,” also known as my dominant function as an INFJ. My “Ni collects seemingly random details from the world, assimilates, and then is able to pull out astute conclusions that stupefy bystanders with their accuracy and insight.” Many INFJs report not knowing how they come to these conclusions, but I often am able to trace the steps my mind took to come to the conclusion. My awareness of my subconscious processes is extraordinary.
“For example, I would meet an individual and my spidey senses would start tingling, telling me to avoid this person, and later, I would hear how this individual had swindled money from several of my friends and relatives. Or I would meet a lovey-dovey couple and instantly sense they were on the verge of breaking up, and a few days later, they separated.” With couples that aren’t bound to last longer than two more years I can usually tell within a couple months of accuracy how soon they will break up.
“I wish to convey this message to all intuitive people out there – not only to other INFJs – that your intuition is your best friend.” Hence, I’ve taught Dream Interpretation Workshops and Intuitive Gardening. Everyone can access inner wisdom from the masses of data subconsciously collected – it just comes more naturally to INFJs (and INFPs too, for that matter).

INFJ Quotes That Describe Me: Romance

I have been known to “try on different identities, or enter into relationships with people who are vastly different from me in the search for who I am. Without intimate self-knowledge, I feel lost and aimless.” I “rarely disregard others’ viewpoints; I generally try to look at the topic through someone else’s eyes, and treat everyone’s opinion as worthy. Even when I don’t agree with someone, I can usually see where they’re coming from.”
I have “zero interest in casual dating in a world that’s obsessed with flings and one-night stands.” I “live for an authentic experience and I’m not satisfied by relationships founded on non-emotional benefits.”
My “interest in human development applies to my mates as well, and I am encouraging of my partners’ dreams, aspirations, and achievements.” Sometimes this just looks like me creating “ridiculous standards for other people in my mind and then become disappointed when they fail to live up to them.” It is important to understand that I “not only hold myself to a brutally high standard, but I also tend to set high expectations for others. And the closer you get to me – as a significant other, a best friend, or child – the higher the standards rise.”
Nevertheless, my “nonstop search for learning, self-growth, and development – and wishing the same for everyone else – makes me very reassuring to others” in a general sense. I am often told that I am an inspiration, which in turn inspires me.
I “want a high degree of intimacy and emotional engagement, and I am happiest when I feel that I am sharing my innermost thoughts and feelings with my mates.” I “value a partner who respects my deeply held values and ethics, and one who appreciates my creativity and inspiration.” In fact, I’ve learned to dismiss potential partners who do not appreciate my home-made, home-dyed clothing, or the board games I create. If these facets are not interesting aspects of me, then we are not a good match.

INFJ Quotes That Describe Me: Belonging

I “kind of fit in everywhere but really fit in nowhere.”
I am “just idealistic enough to conceive of a Utopian society but just realistic enough to understand all of the reasons why it could never exist.”

INFJ Quotes That Describe Me: Imagination

“While my vivid imagination benefits me as a creative type, it is very easy for me to get lost inside of my mind and out of touch with reality.” I even “bump into poles while walking and trip over my own feet because I am busy daydreaming.”
I “reflect at length on issues of ethics.” Specifically for that reason, I found the anime Death Note worthy of years of contemplation. In 2013 I launched my first edition of my game Conscience, the game of ethical quandaries, which is now my best seller.
I am “intensely idealistic, and can clearly imagine a happier and more perfect future.” However, I am easily “discouraged by the harsh realities of the present.”
I “can be ruthlessly self-critical, and that’s one of the reasons guilt preys on me.”

INFJ Quotes That Describe Me: Socializing

I can “appear cold and standoffish, especially when deep in thought.” I am highly “reluctant to engage with others who might not understand or appreciate me.” I’ve been repeatedly hurt by mistakenly opening myself to others who dismissed me, invalidated me, or even shamed me for my most cherished insights and experiences. Now, my “sentimental nature may not come through when I am being guarded with my heart,” or daydreaming, “but as I slowly open up around trustworthy people, my capacity to connect with others on a deeper level is unparalleled.” In my teens and early twenties I was particularly “guilty of pushing people away and throwing a pity party. Of course, I’d want someone to confide in, but more often than not, I feel that most people wouldn’t understand me even if we did open up.” These days I just try to be upfront that I want understanding, accepting attention.
I am “fascinated by people — how they make decisions and what drives them. I enjoy the chance to engage with their perspective.” I particularly “want to hear the secret thoughts you’re afraid to utter.”
I am “complicated myself, and so I can understand and deal with complex ethical issues, and with deeply troubled individuals.” It is easy for me to empathize with the people that others deem the ‘scum of society’ because I have found the fragments of myself that reflect these broken individuals; I can give them true acceptance and validation, which helps them accept themselves and thereby helps them heal.
With my “loved ones, I am loyal and compassionate, warm-hearted, and sentimental. I value relationships with an intensity and intimacy that can surpass shallow bonds and resonate on a ‘soul’ level.” I open up to people I trust and I “feel better just being able to express my feelings and concerns.” I feel most safe if I know you won’t “judge, criticize, or offer solutions.”
“Thanks to my Ni and Fe functions, I excel at predicting what people will do.” When my Se and Fe are active and coordinating well together, I “read between the lines, pick up on nonverbal cues, and note the disparity between what you’re saying and what you really feel.”
My “sensitivity also makes me a gifted healer, highly attuned to what other people need in their journey towards personal development. I use my emotional intelligence to excel in teaching, counseling, and coaching. I inspire great personal growth in others as well as social change.”
However, “if you want to hear only what you want to hear, do not come to me. I give honest opinions; I try to do so gently to soften the blow.” Sometimes I may be too “brutally honest, but I’m rarely malicious.” In fact, I think I’ve only done one or two malicious things in my life, both of which were in my teenage years (and they were directed at someone who was clearly being malicious toward me).
I am “talented at making connections to bring people together and integrate ideas, values, and human potential.” The most awesome example of this was two friends of mine coming to the raw potlucks I hosted and eventually getting married.
My “friends, family, and loved ones call me psychic.” I “have dreams and premonitions that come to life.” I have “gut feelings that, while at the time seem ridiculous, are later confirmed by unexpected life events.” “The truth is, I’ve already had multiple conversations with you – you just weren’t physically present when they occurred.”
In my teens it was common for me to have “a clear idea of something in my mind, but it was nearly impossible to convey it using words, so I would talk around the concept for hours and end up making everyone more confused than ever.” By my mid-twenties I had no problem getting my ideas into words – but not everyone is ready to hear and understand what I have to say.
Once I have “made up my mind, I tend to be very confident in my conclusions and not have much tolerance for those who continue to dissent. When someone challenges my conclusions, I can react very strongly.” Usually I argue people down and relish in any triumph where I prove myself right through my wits and swift words. Nevertheless, I am “especially vulnerable to criticism.” I argue so vehemently because I feel I defending my very identity. What seem like mere ideas to others feel like cherished, hard-won parts of my soul to me.
I can “have a difficult time setting boundaries with toxic people at the onset, but I eventually reach my limit.” I “tolerate numerous transgressions prior to ending a relationship.” Over time I have learned that when I am “feeling frustrated or introspective, I must retreat from social contact” to recharge and find myself again.
I am “among the most social of introverts. Sometimes I am mistaken for an extrovert. However, as a true introvert, I get drained by small talk and the trappings of socializing. Rather than social contact, I need human contact – that is, mutual human understanding. I need people who can enter into my private, inner world. I need people who will listen without judging and try to see the world from my unique perspective — even if it’s just a glimpse. These people are hard to come by, but they are absolutely necessary for my happiness.”
Sources include: Jenn Granneman, Heidi Priebe ENFP, Shahida Arabi, Truity, Amy Wannenburgh INFJ, David Keirsey, Amelia Brown INFJ, Jess Chua INFJ, Nele Giese INFJ, Boom Shikha INFJ, Otto Kroeger, Will Gemma

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Saturday, September 14, 2019

How to Become Polyamorous

I have a stable monogamous relationship right now, but I'm interested in acquiring someone who would be like a sister to my wife and and a lover to me. How can I manifest that?
Getting into polyamory is really all about mastering monogamy and relationships in general. The better you are at directly asking for your needs, owning up to yourself what your needs actually are, admitting when you've been wrong, etc, the easier it is to manifest and maintain multiple relationships.

Practical Polyamory Tips

  • Attend polyamory-themed events and gatherings.
  • Buy polyamory-themed game to help prepare you and your partner for polyamorous life situations.
  • Read polyamory-themed forums.
  • Read books or listen to podcasts about relationships in general. I prefer Teal Swan for relationship advice.
  • Communicate a lot with your existing partner about what you want, what both of you need to feel safe and happy, and where your limits are and where her limits are.
  • Develop a clear idea of both what you have to offer in a relationship and what you want to get out of it.
  • When meeting potential people, bring up your unmet needs and also ask them about theirs. Two people who go well together are two people who can meet each other's unmet needs much more easily than they can meet their own.
I highly recommend reading these related articles to gain further understanding on relationships and polyamory in particular:

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