Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ridiculously Delicious Recipes In 5 Minutes!

Appliance-Free, 5-Minute, Revitalizing Recipes!
These healthy recipes are crazy easy, and yet they're completely unique creations. You know how difficult situations lead to new innovations? That's what's created these healthy, quick, satisfying, and insanely delicious recipes. Let me explain.
When I was sixteen I developed stomach-ulcers due to severely repressed fear and other emotions. I was putting on weight and becoming increasingly incapable of functioning. The level of pain I experienced in my stomach each day was debilitating.
After a year of pain I went on an elimination diet. I felt incredibly better. I discovered raw foods. I lost thirty pounds in thirty days without adding exercise to my lifestyle. I went vegan for three years, and then discovered that I benefited from including raw (A2A2) dairy on occasion.
Along the way I began traveling increasingly often and for longer and longer durations. It began with a three-week, 9,000 mile road trip when I was seventeen. By twenty-four, this expanded into trips as extravagant as five months on Kaua'i island – the most beautiful Hawai'ian island.
During my travels I needed food that was easy to prepare, and yet healing for my body. I needed foods that could ward off chronic constipation, and yet be affordable. After all, I've been living on $8,000 a year (or much less). If you're curious about how I traveled so much, ate all organic foods, and lived a very modern, exciting life on so little money, check out my book, Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year (or Less!).
Between extreme health struggles, unusual dietary choices, a limited budget, and the strong need for travel-friendly appliance-free recipes, I learned dozens of unique combinations of food that were satisfying, yet very quick to prepare.
Starting in 2017 I began compiling these recipes for a book – Appliance-Free 5-Minute Revitalizing Recipes. Finally, the book is fresh off the press!
This idea was crafted on the road when I didn't have access to appliances, but I began using the recipes I invented while traveling even while I was at home.
Do you get tired of washing your blender, food processor, dehydrator, spiralizer and every other gadget? Imagine a gadget-free process at every meal without compromising on health or flavor. That's what this book offers you.
You may know me as a raw food chef, but this book isn't just for raw foodies. It is a book that incorporates raw food concepts and creativity into a lifestyle that is convenient and easy. The only appliance you need for for this recipe book is a way to make hot water (a tea kettle or a pot and a stove). That's it! Like a raw recipe book, you don't need a toaster, microwave, oven or pressure cooker. But unlike a raw recipe book, you also don't need a high-speed blender, food processor or juicer! What's more, unlike your typical raw-food recipe book, there is little use of nuts or seeds in this book. In fact, this book is friendly for lectin-free folks who follow The Plant Paradox Program. These recipes will also satisfy your needs if you're vegan or on a Paleo diet. Pretty exciting, huh?
Because these recipes are so easy, the learning curve is a breeze. Maybe it takes you ten minutes to make a recipe for the first time, but the second time you know what you're doing and it only takes five. You don't have to invest hours into this new lifestyle. And you'll feel so satisfied with these meals that you'll be craving-free. If you're still hungry, you can whip up more of the same or a different recipe from the book right away even on a fifteen-minute lunch break. How awesome is that?
You can buy your black-and-white edition of the book here, or you can get the full-color photo edition of the book here.
If you would like a signed edition of this book, you can sign up for a monthly box from me where you'll get one or more of my books every single month. Click here to learn more about getting a monthly box from me.

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