Months just fly by, don't they? I find monthly contact is best for me too when it comes to most mailings –
and friendships too. I have many pen pals who I write once a month. In fact, you can sign up to be one of them here and receive personal hand-written letters from me by snail mail.
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~ Raederle
The Consciousness Alchemist
Author of Perspective Alchemy; Appliance-Free, 5-Minute Revitalizing Recipes; Waveward Dreams; Numinous Nonflict; and 8K
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Popular Posts This Month
I have tried to capture the formula for happiness in what was previously known as my Happiness Keys Document . (Now it is encapsulated in a ...
In this massive essay I’m going to break down (and build up) the concepts of motion sickness, simulator sickness, and a lot of related condi...
Your identity is the sum of your boundaries: the things to which you say “Yes,” and the things which you say “No.” What is your favorite f...
When healthy foods become a problem . . . Desulfovibrio De sulf ovibrio is a genus of gram-negative, anaerobic, “sulfate-reducing” bacteria ...
Do you prefer to learn from videos or from text? If you prefer video, click here for the video version of this masterclass. Refer bac...
In my GI-MAP test from Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory , I had “no detectable levels” of the commensal (beneficial) bacterial family known a...
Viral Factors I’ve written, at length, about chronic constipation before. In recent years the viral component has been brought to my atten...
True belonging is that feeling where you know that your participation in life itself is completely welcome. It’s taking a breath of air and ...
Introduction Research shows that childhood traumas cause disease – even when these traumas are not followed by environmental fa...
Like anyone who has struggled with feeling lonely, depressed, or lethargic, I’ve been keenly interested in anything that shifts me into fe...
Featured Post
Your Identity = Your Boundaries
Your identity is the sum of your boundaries: the things to which you say “Yes,” and the things which you say “No.” What is your favorite f...