New Threat To Our Freedom of Speech

I find it hard to talk to anybody about any of the strong opinions I've come to over the years about black culture versus white culture. I grew up in a ghetto that was part black and part Puerto Rican. I experienced a lot of racism against white people, and against myself in particular. I was harassed and threatened. Many of the white people I associated were beaten up by local gangs. One such person showed up on my doorstep severely bleeding when I was fourteen.
Are you offended yet? Should I say "African American" instead of "black" even though the black people I grew up around called themselves black? Should I call it simply a neighborhood and not a ghetto even though the people in my neighborhood called it a ghetto?
I was starting to like this girl who organized events for people in their early twenties in Buffalo. It was a "after you leave youth group" group. She found my ways of speech so offensive that she unfriended me on facebook and said she didn't want to see me again. She was very concerned with being politically correct and making sure that people didn't use 'hate speech' or participate in 'rape culture' or make racist statements.
Look, I know as well as any gay person how hard it is to constantly be bombarded by hurtful statements. I feel hurt every time someone invites me to a bonfire. I can't attend a barbecue or a bonfire or a sage smudging because of my severe sensitivity to smoke. I'm hurt when people invite me to dinners and potlucks because I know I won't be able to eat anything there.
I'm blocked from normal communion with other human beings through my chemical and food sensitivities. Even hugging people is scary because if I inhale while I hug someone, the chances are I'll come away from the hug with a migraine due to their shampoo or antiperspirant.
My sensitivities give me a life of isolation, too. It isn't just gay people, trans people, black people, or people who live in extreme poverty who experience pain. There are people with invisible illnesses. There are people with such severe developmental trauma that they become manic narcissists who never get to experience real love in their life.
Is this really any good reason to block our freedom of speech? Does it make any sense to increase censorship in response to people's pain? Much of the pain stems from our closed-mouth culture in the first place! Trying to silence everyone for their "hate speech" is not going to help. It will make things worse.
Emotion has a natural progression. It goes like this:
  1. Venom: anger, resentment
  2. Grief, sadness
  3. Anxiety, fear, worry, old woundings
  4. Apologetic, remorse, understanding
  5. Love, foregiveness, creativity, awe, relief, peace and joy
Considering this progression, what do you think happens when you cut off everyone's outlet for their venom?
Before you want to shut someone up who is hurting you, think about that.
— Raederle Phoenix
The Consciousness Alchemist

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