The Fear Behind Patent Laws
Consider baking soda and vinegar. With these two simple one-ingredient products, we can accomplish one hundred and thirty-one household tasks. They're inexpensive and commonplace, yet powerfully effective and useful. Consider aloe vera, a common household plant. The inner fillet of the plant can be used for over thirty tasks. Just this past weekend I was dealing with some chemical dust on my hands that had them painfully dry and peeling. I went into the bathroom at my parents' house and looked for some oil to put on my hands. Among fifteen different soaps, ten or more lotions, among the shaving creams, the sunblocks, the cosmetics – there was no oil. Frustrated, I went to the kitchen. Ah! There I could find some pure olive oil. My husband's stomach was upset. He thought psyllium husk would help. Back down to my parents' kitchen. My parents were sure they had psyllium husk. But they didn't. They had several different "blends" of things that included p...