Egg yolks high in iron?

"I thought egg yokes are high in iron? Is that true?"

Raederle's answer: That depends entirely on what you compare it, and how you compare it. Many comparisons are skewed to make certain products seem better than they are, and then innocent people who don't know better quote the results, creating a lot of confusion.
Much of the time, nutritional comparisons are per volume. But that doesn't make sense. Would a cup of lettuce be as filling as a cup of almonds? That's comparing 4 calories to 700! I don't think comparisons per volume make any sense. That's why I choose to compare by calorie.
So let's look at 100 calories of egg yolk (which is two egg yolks). That gives you 0.8 mg of iron, about 5% of what you need in a day.
Two tablespoons of sesame seeds (100 calories): 2.5 mg, which is 14% of your daily need.
And 7 ounces of kale (100 calories): 3 mg, which is 17% of your daily need for iron.
I just picked sesame seeds and kale as random examples from memory. Most vegetables are far, far more rich in minerals than any animal food. And most fruits are far more rich in vitamins. Seeds vary, but iron is commonly rich in seeds.
Be wary of any report that tells you that a single food is exceptional in a particular mineral. Usually there are twenty other common foods (that are vegetables) that are just as high, if not higher.

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