Thursday, April 9, 2015

Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year (or Less!)

Ecological, Economical, Efficient, Organic & Abundant Living

Do you want to live a life where you can spend your time however you want? Have you ever thought about being a digital nomad? So many people believe they do not have enough money to live where they want, to travel, to eat healthfully, to do ecologically conscious things, or to take time off work. But what if I told you that you can work your own hours for as little time as you want to, and spend the rest of your time just being. This book details how to do just that. And this isn’t just an overview – it’s a detailed manual of exactly how I live this way. I “work” as little as a few hours a week and yet I have enough money to be healthy, happy, and acquire the things that matter to me. (And not everything I desire is cheap by any means!)
Don’t want to be a digital nomad? Wnat to just live in one, wonderful place and lead your dream life on a small income? This book is still for you. While travel is one perk you can enjoy when you have the knoweledge of how to leverage your money and time, it is entirely optional. In fact, this book contains more ideas and advice than you need to lead any particular dream life because I wanted this book to serve as as a useful guiude even if your dreams are not the same as mine. That’s why I included additional wisdom from others who lead big lives on small dollars.
In 2012 I lived on $5,000.
In 2013 I lived on $6,000.
In 2014 I lived on $7,000.
In 2015 I lived on $8,000.
In 2019 I released a second edition of this book with updated prices, recipes, experiences, and many new ideas!
In 2021 I now live on about $15,000 a year, but I live a far grander life than ever before, and the only way this is possible is because of the knoweledge I impart in this book. You may think this information isn’t relevant to you because you have disabilities or other challenges in your life, and you may be right. But consider that I am a neurodivergent who is dyslexic, on the autism spectrum, and very unusual in many ways, and these are the reasons why I had to find an alternative way to lead my life. I could not tolerate an ordinary work enviornment, so all of my energy funneled toward forging a completely different way to live. I have been utilizing the techniques outlined in this book for fourteen years now and they have given me greater and greater blessings.
From 2009 to 2015 – when I lived on less than $8,000 a year – I went on dozens of trips – California, Georgia, Vermont and even Kaua’i island. (Above, see places I’ve stayed at least three weeks in yellow, and places I’ve stayed at least two days in red.) Since then, I’ve traveled even more, even to the Caribbean and the United Kingdom.
If I had a hundred dollars for each time someone asked me, “How can you afford to travel all the time?” . . . then the title of my book would be different.
And when I say “lived on,” I mean everything. That’s even before taking the taxes out!
If this isn’t surprising enough, my wardrobe is organic clothes and my diet is organic, mostly local, and highly conscious. Needless to say, these little details have surprised people I know, especially affluent people who feel they can’t afford yoga, organic clothes or even organic nuts!
Now I’m sharing my secrets with you! Learn how you can leverage your income, reduce your spending, and increase your savings – all while traveling and working as little as a couple hours a day!
I’ve wracked my brain for every trick I’ve ever used for saving money and getting things (and more importantly, getting skills) for free in my life. Much of what I do is made possible by knowing what can be done without any money at all. And I’ve packed it all into one amazing treasure trove.
In my book you’ll learn:
  • 9 less-known alternatives to renting/owning.
  • How to maximize your garden’s harvest, growing a wide variety of foods without any sprays.
  • 8 different ways to get free meals, including a method that doesn’t require leaving home!
  • 5 tricks for how to acquire new high-paying skills in your spare time.
  • 5 different ways to monetize your space, even if you just have a small apartment.
  • 12 different gluten-free, plant-based recipes that maximize nutrition on a budget.
Regardless of your diet, you’ll benefit from the creative recipes within. I’ve used my most popular, most loved, most cost-effective, most travel-friendly recipes. I’ve even broken down the price of each ingredient, each serving and the whole recipe as well. You also get a nutritional report with each recipe. The recipes will work for you whether you’re a vegan, vegetarian, raw foodist, paleo, macrobiotic, omnivorous, gluten-free, and/or sweetener-free.
Whether you’re a nutrivore, omnivore, frugivore or frutarian, prepare to be enlightened. The sizable section on “maximizing nutrition per dollar” is brimming with useful techniques and ideas.
“Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year gives both sound financial and perceptive advice. There’s enough information in here to help out anyone looking to live happier with less money.”
— Steven Woinoski (January 2015)
And this is from my very first reader! He read it back during its first draft. The book literally doubled before its first edition publication in 2015, and has grown and improved further with the release of the second edition in 2019.
Regardless of where you live, you can apply the tips in this book. I spent five months living on Kaua’i island — the most expensive place to live in the country! I’ve spent a year in northern California and months in Florida, North Carolina and Vermont. These are not cheap places to live, and yet my husband and I lived in these places, ate gourmet organic foods and dressed in ecologically conscious clothing.
Figuring out how to do all of these things was not simple. There was no handbook for us. We learned as we went, trailblazing a path that others kept asking after. “How is this possible?” My book is my full reply to this question. I began writing it while on a two-month road-trip where we were repeatedly questioned about our finances.
One particular moment during the trip was highlighted for me. A woman living in a million-dollar mansion asked me how I could afford to live the way I did. At that moment it really hit me — other people have no idea how to live this way! I knew that I had to tell the world.
I spent over a year writing — once I began, I realized I had more and more to share on this subject. I realized that I had been paying attention to maximizing life on minimal income since I was a child. I grew up hungering for a richer lifestyle, and found it without ever having to earn more. After I first published the book in 2015 I thought I was done with the subject, but to the contrary, my readers asked new questions and started new discussions. From these new insights, an even better book has been released in 2019.
In Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year, you’ll learn:
  • How you can eat all organic foods on as little as $100 per month.
  • 5 common money traps and how to avoid them.
  • What to bring with you when you travel and what to buy when you get there.
  • Surprising methods for recovering from insomnia, yeast infections, and several other common aliments.
  • 5 ways to find great, alternative places to stay while traveling.
  • How to reprogram your damaging beliefs around money, spending, and saving.
“Raederle combines real life experience with innovative ideas to provide inspiration for anyone looking to live a creative, fulfilling life on a budget. The book also includes hard numbers which account for how she spends her time and money, which I found super useful. Whether you are looking to make a radical lifestyle change or simply learn a few out of the box ways to save time and money, this book is a great resource.”
— Moriah Helms (April 2015)
Spending habits are learned behavior. In order to change the dollar-flow in your life, you have to learn new ways to look at your purchases.
Financial habits are very personal. They are a reflection of your beliefs, your personality and your priorities. In order to change that, you need a new perspective.
Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year will shift your entire wealth paradigm, making it possible to travel thousands of miles each year (if you want to!), work less, and enjoy life more.
They say to “under promise” and “over deliver.” You’ll find that in this book. While my promise is that you can “live big” and “travel far” on $8,000 a year, if you follow all the tips in this book, you could find yourself living on $2,000 a year, and doing better than just “living big” — you could be living your grandest vision of your life.
This book is packed with information, including detailed charts that reveal exactly how I’ve spent my money, and how I’ve spent my time. I’ve even included hundreds of tidbits from other people I know who lead very successful lives on surprisingly little cash.
In Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year, you’ll also learn:
  • How to reduce expenses and find freebies in every facet of your life.
  • How to show appreciation and deepen your relationships and friendships.
  • New ways to calculate the value of your time.
  • 11 unusual employment opportunities.
  • 19 tips to increase efficiency in your kitchen and reduce food waste.
  • New ways to look at minimum wage, wealth, and the economy.
  • How to select products that are good for you (economical, efficient, high quality) and good for the planet (ecological).
  • Entertainment options that are cost-effective and long-lasting.
  • How to set goals and accomplish goals.
  • Alternatives for skincare, bodycare and laundry that are ecological and economical.
At a potluck I was hosting, a friend of mine mentioned to another friend that he “couldn’t relate” to having to pay rent or buy groceries. This grown, mature, healthy and happy man didn’t have to worry about these things! Depending on your personal choices, you can live that way too. His way of life – which is entirely different from my own – is also covered in this book.
You’ll find a lot of personal stories in this book:
  • Find out how I met my husband online.
  • Discover Lana’s story of being happiest when she was most broke.
  • The realization I had from a blender that was defeated by frozen strawberries.
I’ve also included some of the most life-changing wisdom that allowed me to be able to lead the life I’ve led. I am not just a digital nomad, but someone who has achieved a life of satisfaction in my relationships, my hobbies, my sense of purpose.
“I enjoyed this brilliant book so much. There’s a spiritual depth to it, in addition to the wide ranging practical tips. Raederle, you inspire me!
“I love all the online links you give to explore every tip to its fullest, for free.
“You show the easiest way I’ve ever seen to make money on the web immediately – at virtually no cost and without a website. It works!”
— Val Archer (June, 2015)
With this book, you can live big regardless of your wage or salary. And even if you have plenty of cash, this book is packed with value. If you currently earn $40,000 and you spend only $8,000 a year, then you can put $32,000 a year into investments, savings, business, or buy a rental property and start making passive income besides! With this information you can save so much money that you will be able to retire far, far earlier than other Americans.
You may even be able to retire right now!
In December 2019 I nearly doubled the value of this book by releasing a new, updated edition.
I edited every page and every paragraph to ensure that all the prices, concepts, ideas, charts, and recipes in this book up-to-date. I removed every extra words and fluffy sentences, dramatically condensing the content to make every page information-packed. Despite doing this, the book still dramatically increased in size because I added so much more advice on living an exceptional, extraordinary life.
You might be wondering, “Is this book really for me?”
While it doesn’t matter where you live, what diet you eat, or what your personal dreams are, there are some things that do.
This book is not for you if:
  • You’re content with the life you have and have no desire for change.
  • You’re unwilling to make any changes to how you spend your money, regardless of what you learn.
  • Youvre more interested in earning more money than you are in living a happier life.
Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year is for anyone who:
  • Wants to feel wealthier and happier.
  • Is ready to take steps (small or large) toward financial freedom.
  • Loves learning new things and trying new things.

Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year (or Less!)

By Raederle Phoenix
Book Cover Image
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This book is not like other influencer guides that are only fifty pages with huge margins and lots of white space and fluffy sentences.
This is a textbook-sized book that actually weighs something in your hands. Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year is a massive book with a massive impact.
And beyond that, it’s completely unique. I have gone on to read more books about finances and even enrolled in a course about money in 2021, but there is absolutely nothing else like this book out there. So don’t delay – get this book right now!
Do you know anyone else who is ready to open their arms to a better, more amazing life? Consider buying two copies and giving them one and working through the book together. By being study-buddies together in solidarity, you’ll be far more likely to get the courage and support you need to launch your new lifestyle right away.
I sincerely wish you your most inspired, purposeful life!
— Raederle Phoenix
The Consciousness Alchemist

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