Helicobacter pylori, previously named Campylobacter pyloridis, is a Gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium found in the stomach. Another way to put it is that h pylori is your worst nightmare. Fortunately, I can help. I suffered from H pylori for years, not knowing what the problem was. Once the issue was revealed to me, I was finally able to heal myself of duodenal peptic ulcers.
Conventional H pylori treatment
If you go to a doctor they give you antibiotics to kill it. These are very strong antibiotics. They will do a lot more than kill off the H pylori. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't get the antibiotics necessarily, but it does mean that you'll need to do more than take the pills if you want to recover your health.
If I take antibiotics, should I also take probiotics?
Yes. Infact, if you take antibiotics, you should also take tons of probiotics. Way more than usually prescribed by natural healers, doctors, friends and so forth. They'll tell you that one in the morning and one in the evening will be plenty. That is plenty of maintenance of a healthy body in an unhealthy world.
That is not going to cut it if you're fighting off a cold, recovering from stomach ulcers, taking antibiotics or fighting of H pylori.
How many probiotics do I need?
Whether or not you take the antibiotics, I recommend this same amount of probiotics. The reason my recommendation is the same, is thus: If you take the antibiotics, you'll need high levels of probiotics to reestablish equilibrium in your system. If you don't take the antibiotics, you'll need high levels of probiotics as part of your strategy to fight of H pylori naturally, like I did.
Daily Probiotic Protocol That Finally Kicked My H pylori
It wasn't until I did the following probiotic protocol in addition to eating the foods that harm H pylori that I finally turned the tide and won the war against H pylori.
- 3 caps of a cheap probiotic 3 times daily (thats 9 caps daily)
- 1 cap superpowered probiotic before bed (I recommend Natren's Trinity
for fastest relief)
- 2 scoops Akea Essentials, 1 at breakfast, 1 at lunch (Highly important, as this works full-body and probiotics antioxidants and enzymes as well as probiotics. You need this support when fighting this battle!)
- Optional: 1 mouth-swish and gargle with Inner Eco
every morning and night. Not required to win the battle, but this will make the transition more pleasant by providing extra assistance in your mouth and esophagus.
Fighting helicobacter pylori naturally
The worst enemy of H pylori is the mustard family, which includes broccoli. Whether or not you choose to use antibotics or not, you should also include the following:
1/2 head raw broccoli per day (this can be consumed with cashew dip, sea salt, etc), if needed, this can be briefly dipped in boiling water. (Two seconds in boiling water will make it taste better but preserve 80%+ of the good stuff)
1 stalk broccoli raab (rapini) raw per day or 1 stalk mustard, cooked or raw
Optional: Store-bought organic unsweetened mustard daily and powdered mustard in meals.
If you don't like mustard or broccoli, then you can accompany them with strongly flavored foods like salsa and guacamole.
H pylori prefers your stomach to be alkaline
One thing that is hard for H pylori to tolerate is changing the pH of the stomach dramatically. H pylori starts a pH war with anything acidic, because it needs an alkaline environment, which is why it's so harmful — the stomach is meant to be acidic! This is why many acidic foods burn. However, that burning can be an indicator that you're successfully annoying the H pylori. Consuming apple cider vinegar and fresh lemon juice throughout the day in small amounts will help keep the H pylori off balance.
Diet for destroying H pylori
While probiotics and mustards will do most of the work for you, it is important that you're not healing yourself with one hand and punching yourself with the other. What I mean is that you should also look to the rest of your lifestyle for balancing your serious flora problem.
One major thing to take into account is your diet. Are you consuming coffee, soda, candies, white bread, fast food, or refined sweeteners on a daily basis? If so, cut it out! This is very important if you want a pain-free body. This doesn't mean giving up delicious foods or being groggy in the morning. You can make yourself a chocolate-Akea smoothie in the morning like so:
Anti-Bacterial Flora-Balancing Tasty Chocolate Wake-Up Call!
2 frozen bananas
3 tablespoons raw cacao powder
1 scoop akea essentials
3 probiotic tablets (such as acidophilus)
Cold drinking water as needed to blend
Blend all ingredients in your blender until smooth.
Other Wake-Up Ideas
If you're not into cold drinks, or not into chocolate, that's fine. You don't need a McFrosty or a Coffee for a good morning. I promise! You can have a hot cup of chicory tea; it tastes like coffee (but actually is very relaxing, so only use this if you like coffee for warmth and comfort rather than stimulation). You can use carob instead of chocolate if you prefer an option with no stimulants or relaxants. You can opt for licorice herbal tea if you desire something sweet. You can add cinnamon, cloves, and/or ginger to your smoothie or to your tea if you desire something to help keep you warm.
There are many healthy alternatives to sugared foods and processed bread products. Stop on by my
recipes page to discover gluten-free sweetener-free pies are delicious, beautiful, easy to make and fun to share with friends.
Lifestyle changes to recreate flora balance in your body
Bacteria is all over you and everything in your home. Some of it is good, some of it is bad. If you have H pylori, then you've got bad bacteria all over every surface you frequent. When you start the protocol for overcoming H pylori, its important to get all of these surfaces clean. Wash your sheets, pillowcases and blankets. Do all of your laundry. Mop the floors. Clean of your desk! I can't stress this one enough: clean your keyboard, your mouse, your monitor, your desk and everything on your desk. Clean your favorite chairs and tables, as well as your toilet, sink and bathtub.
You don't need to clean everything all at once the same day you begin the protocol. Its going to take a few weeks to get rid of the bacteria inside, and you can likewise take a few weeks about cleaning your home. Start by cleaning your deck on the first day. Then move onto bedding and clothing. Within the first two weeks, aim to do your entire office area and bed area. Next do your kitchen and dining room areas. Then your living room areas. Lastly, do any other location your frequent. When all of that is done, clean your desk again.
Encourage others to also clean up
Anyone else you live with should also clean up their areas and take at least two probiotic tablets per day. This is for their protection as well as to help you recover by not getting further bacterial problems from anyone you live with. Encourage them to take
Akea Essentials in particular, because this pribiotic powder will benefit them in many ways with its full-body nutrition.
Your full natural H pylori-killing protocol
- 3 caps of a cheap probiotic 3 times daily (thats 9 caps daily)
- 1 cap superpowered probiotic before bed (I recommend Natren's Trinity
for fastest relief)
- 2 scoops Akea Essentials, 1 at breakfast, 1 at lunch
- Optional: 1 mouth-swish and gargle with Inner Eco
every morning and night. Not required to win the battle, but this will make the transition more pleasant by providing extra assistance in your mouth and esophagus.
- 1/2 head raw broccoli per day (this can be consumed with cashew dip, sea salt, etc), if needed, this can be briefly dipped in boiling water. (2 seconds in boiling water will make it taste better but preserve 80%+ of the good stuff)
- 1 stalk broccoli raab (rapini) raw per day or 1 stalk mustard cooked or raw
- Consume apple cider vinegar and fresh lemon juice throughout the day in small amounts diluted in water. This will also help with acid reflux.
- Optional: Store-bought organic unsweetened mustard daily and powdered mustard in meals.
- Stop consuming coffee, soda, candies, white bread, fast food, alcohol or refined sweeteners.
- Do not ever swallow any baking soda. This helps create the environment that H pylori thrives in. Especially do not take anti-acid pills.
- Clean your home, especially your office and bedroom.
How long does it take to get rid of H pylori?
This depends on how long you have already had it, how much of the above you implement, and how good your overall diet and exercise routine is. It can take as little as two weeks. It can take as long as three months. No matter how long it takes, keep sticking with it. Keeping sticking the protocol for at least two months even if it seems like your fine after two weeks. This is critical! If you stop taking probiotics and eating broccoli just because you think you're better, but you still have H pylori in your body, it will come back, and it will come back just as strong or worse!
So make sure that once you start, you keep on going for at least one full month after all your symptoms are gone. Once you've continued for an entire month past the elimination of all symptoms, you can then safely decrease to just the following daily:
Maintenance: After all ulcer symptoms have cleared
- 2 caps of a cheap probiotic daily
- 2 scoops Akea Essentials, 1 at breakfast, 1 at lunch
- 1 piece of raw broccoli, mustard or rapini per day
- Continue to avoid consuming coffee, soda, candies, white bread, fast food, alcohol or refined sweeteners.
- Continue to maintain a clean home, especially your office and bedroom.
Eventually you can stop including the broccoli or mustard every single day, but the rest of those are really great to just simply continue for life. What do you have to lose besides being tired, having chronic pain and unwanted bacteria?
I hope this page empowers you to heal yourself, like I healed myself. You can read more of my story
~ Raederle