
Showing posts from March, 2013

Is your donation to a non-profit charity organization ethical?

The way we think about charity is dead wrong. And the story continues with the fact that we don't seem to think that our every day purchases can make meaningful changes. My husband and I are very conscious of our purchases. We know it is one the most effective ways to make a difference, especially when we don't have a budget that allows to donate liberally to charity. We buy our toiletries from Seventh Generation: 100% recycled tissues, paper towels and toilet paper. We find that it is actually less expensive to order Seventh Generation products from Amazon than it is to buy their products in stores. After using tissues and paper towels, we add them to our compost heap. They're mostly fiber and compost easily. We buy 95% organic food, supporting less pesticide use and more ethical growing trends. The 5% that isn't organic comes from local farms that can't afford organic certification but do claim to use natural growing practices. So

Raw Vegan Fig Carrot Cake with Maca Frosting Recipe

Raw desserts are not only healthier, they're easier to make! No baked-on messes, no hot pans to let cool, no "fallen-in" cakes, etc. This easy recipe is fun and decadent! A New Take On Carrot Cake – A Traditional Easter Recipe This is a fabulous dish to bring to an Easter celebration. Using muffin-shape it is much more party-friendly and even skeptical folks who wonder about your "crazy diet" will not want to pass-up your colorful presentation. Fig Carrot Cake Muffins With Maca Frosting 2 cups carrot pulp or grated carrots (If you use grated carrots, use cheesecloth, nut-milk bag or paper towels to squeeze the grated carrot. You'll want to remove as much excess moisture as possible) 1 cup dates ½ cup to 2 cups dried figs 2 teaspoons cinnamon (adjust to taste) ½ teaspoon ginger powder or ½-inch ginger root (optional, but delicious!) ½ teaspoon turmeric powder or ¼-inch turmeric root (optional, but super rich in antioxi

Health Organic Food on a Budget

How do you feel about grocery shopping? Is it the highlight of your day? The most dreaded part of the week? If you're struggling financially, an expensive grocery trip is disheartening. The good news is that healthy food doesn't have to cost a lot. In fact, many of the healthiest foods are actually the least expensive. For example, think of organic carrots. They're often sold for $1 per pound or less. They stay fresh for a long time in the vegetable drawer within your fridge, so they rarely "go bad." Some other organic foods sometimes cost as little as $1 per pound, but the weight of the food is only one way to measure it. The weight of the food tells us relatively little about how filling, satisfying or healthy the food will be. When I'm grocery shopping, I'm asking myself, "How can I spend my hard-earned money to get me the most nutrition for the least amount of money?" I also ask myself other questions, but lets ans

Raederle Monthly Newsletter

Join My Monthly Mailing List I only send out a newsletter once per month with no exceptions. This way, no cluttered inbox! In my monthly newsletter you'll find: Summaries of recent exciting developments in my life (like having been on a new radio station, going on a road trip, or discovering something really crazy about the human body) Links to new articles and recipes on my website Notices about any of my books going on sale, and/or any really great deals I found on great raw-food-relevant products on the web during the course of the month The content of my newsletter doesn't overlap with content I post anywhere else. The only way to get my newsletter is to join the mailing list. Just enter your name and your e-mail below.