Is your donation to a non-profit charity organization ethical?
The way we think about charity is dead wrong. And the story continues with the fact that we don't seem to think that our every day purchases can make meaningful changes. My husband and I are very conscious of our purchases. We know it is one the most effective ways to make a difference, especially when we don't have a budget that allows to donate liberally to charity. We buy our toiletries from Seventh Generation: 100% recycled tissues, paper towels and toilet paper. We find that it is actually less expensive to order Seventh Generation products from Amazon than it is to buy their products in stores. After using tissues and paper towels, we add them to our compost heap. They're mostly fiber and compost easily. We buy 95% organic food, supporting less pesticide use and more ethical growing trends. The 5% that isn't organic comes from local farms that can't afford organic certification but do claim to use natural growing practices. So...