Saturday, December 28, 2013

Uprising A Kingdom Torn Asunder Board Game Review

A Game Crafter Game

Take part in a rebellion, or play the king and fend off the rebels (the rest of the players)! The overall game, Uprising: A Kingdom Torn Asunder, has a thematic feel that doesn't seem "slapped" on in any way. From the art, to the game play to the victory conditions, the game theme is fully immersive. This game aspect is well done. The graphics are not masterpieces, but they are far from ugly and they suit the feeling of the game very well.
One quirk I'm noticing among Game Crafter games is that they tend to be efficient at using low-cost parts to make games affordable. Uprising cost me $24.99. Similar games often cost $35 and up. Want tips on making your own board game? Click here.
When it comes to using small cards versus large cards, it makes sense to opt for small cards when large ones are not needed. But in Uprising, I feel that it would have been more appropriate to go for the more expensive large quad-fold board. Instead, you get two cheap folded "mats" that lay beside each other to make the map. While it looks fairly appealing, it doesn't lay flat.
I would be willing to pay more for games with nice-quality pieces. A good game should get 20+ plays if its a good game, giving the game 10 to 60+ hours of game-time. That is worth paying an extra $10 for a sturdy board and nice-looking pieces.
  • Immersive theme
  • Visually appealing (although some of the spacing and printing could use adjustment)
  • Strategic
  • No Dice
  • Interesting hidden-moves feature
  • It's hard to communicate reasonings for strategy without making the King leave the room.
  • Depending on what characters you play, the balance can be off.
  • Manual isn't polished or perfectly clear

Balance Issues in Uprising

Movement bonus is useless if you've got the Spy and the Instigator which both have movement abilities. That makes those territories really lopsidedly useless in comparison to getting a mercenary.
"Search" ability seems really over-powered. If all the rebels put their guys in one place and that place gets searched, the King gets to place all of his troops elsewhere, get full influence bonuses whereas the Rebels get no influence and no cards that turn. This happened on our first play of the game.
~ Raederle

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Blog Update, December 2013 – Designing A Board Game

Intentional communities are of great interest to me. I lived within one (of sorts) for a couple months while I was on Kaua'i island for 4.5 months this past summer (2013). I'm actually going to be visiting the "co-op house" of Buffalo (an urban intentional community) this evening.
Ever read Ishmael? I've found that Ishmael readers/fans tend to be seeking community. It's one of the books on my recommended reading page.
This summer I'm going to be working on doing my part to save the bees by planting rosemary, sage and other flowers. I am totally against lawns. What a waste! I love the bumper sticker that says, "Food! Not lawns!" If I had a car, I'd have the bumper sticker on it.
I love to travel. For thanksgiving I visited family in Kansas, Oklahoma and North Carolina. March I'm planning on taking a trip further south to visit friends and family in Florida and Georgia. I love the southern climate. Most people would be surprised if I disclosed how much I make yearly (much less than average), because I travel a lot and I support my husband and I. And we eat an all organic diet high in fruits and vegetables.
I'm thinking about making an ebook on the subject. It seems like most people have no idea what to do with their money, and instead of using their money to bring them things they really want, things that really impact their well-being positively, they instead turn their money into things that actually bring them down.
[In 2014 and 2015 I actually did write the book. It is Living Big & Traveling Far on $8,000 a Year (or Less!)]
I'm currently working on a board game design. The prototype actually ships today, so soon I'll be play-testing and ordering replacement cards for anything that doesn't work with the balance of the game. I'm a board game enthusiast. I love how games give a great excuse to be with people without needing anything to talk about. People can have little in common and still enjoy a game together. You can appreciate someone's ability to be a gracious loser or a staunch ally in a game even if you have little in common when it comes to interest or lifestyle.
As someone who lives on the fringes of social norms (no TV, no movies except documentaries, lots of books, raw vegan, nutritionist who keeps studying and studying, working from home, doesn't drink or smoke or eat any refined sweeteners, enjoys public speaking, etc), I find it can be hard to relate to day-to-day life of many people. So we play board games together. I can enjoy anyone's company if they want to play games. :D
So that is a small update on where things are for me now in my life.
~ Raederle

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Creating Jobs: Good Jobs, Green Jobs, American Jobs — Why should good work be paid less?

I received an interesting message from someone who complained that "nothing is free" on the internet anymore. They wrote:
The web used to be like Camelot (or so it seemed), it was like sitting in the New York Public Library as a college student all over again. All you needed was a library card and the world was at your fingertips. Now, too many of the newspapers, magazines, websites chuck full of fascinating new worlds, all charge money. On principle alone I choose not to purchase from these sites. I fear the day that everybody will sell subscriptions just to open their site.

The Internet Is Still Free: Let it always stay that way!

I think what you've observed is true in many ways. However, I personally put out dozens of free articles, and I also work with The Vegetarian Health Institute, which does the same. I even provide free services, like the service I'm providing now by answering e-mails and helping individuals with their needs.
All of that costs money. Using a newsletter service or having your own blog costs money, and maintaining it and researching and writing to readers takes a lot of time.

Getting Good Money For Good Work

People talk about "creating jobs" but for some reason, many people seem to think you should only get paid to do things nobody wants to do, or things that are very bad for society. Yet if you do something noble, it should just be a donation to the world, and you should go hungry... Why do people think this way?
This is why teachers, healers and counselors get paid less than lawyers and accountants. This is why an excellent professor or airplane pilot might find themselves applying for government aid, despite the masses of your average-Joe businessmen who get paid a lot of money to do their work. Why should a cell phone sales man make more money than a good editor and nutritionist like myself?

There Is A Donation-Based Movement

Yet on principle, I do agree that information should be available to all. Try checking out the "thrive movement" and watching their documentary and checking around their website. Everything there is donation based. I think that is the real path of the future. People will give freely to causes and services they believe in, and providers will offer what they have freely. Unfortunately, I think that is still a minority of the world doing that, but I am seeing this concept more and more often.

What about For-Profit Charity?

Another concept is arising, which is companies doing good things, for profit. I have an article accompanying a great TED talk on that topic.
~ Raederle Phoenix

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Healing duodenal stomach ulcers and getting rid of helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori, previously named Campylobacter pyloridis, is a Gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium found in the stomach. Another way to put it is that h pylori is your worst nightmare. Fortunately, I can help. I suffered from H pylori for years, not knowing what the problem was. Once the issue was revealed to me, I was finally able to heal myself of duodenal peptic ulcers.

Conventional H pylori treatment

If you go to a doctor they give you antibiotics to kill it. These are very strong antibiotics. They will do a lot more than kill off the H pylori. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't get the antibiotics necessarily, but it does mean that you'll need to do more than take the pills if you want to recover your health.

If I take antibiotics, should I also take probiotics?

Yes. Infact, if you take antibiotics, you should also take tons of probiotics. Way more than usually prescribed by natural healers, doctors, friends and so forth. They'll tell you that one in the morning and one in the evening will be plenty. That is plenty of maintenance of a healthy body in an unhealthy world.
That is not going to cut it if you're fighting off a cold, recovering from stomach ulcers, taking antibiotics or fighting of H pylori.

How many probiotics do I need?

Whether or not you take the antibiotics, I recommend this same amount of probiotics. The reason my recommendation is the same, is thus: If you take the antibiotics, you'll need high levels of probiotics to reestablish equilibrium in your system. If you don't take the antibiotics, you'll need high levels of probiotics as part of your strategy to fight of H pylori naturally, like I did.

Daily Probiotic Protocol That Finally Kicked My H pylori

It wasn't until I did the following probiotic protocol in addition to eating the foods that harm H pylori that I finally turned the tide and won the war against H pylori.
  • 3 caps of a cheap probiotic 3 times daily (thats 9 caps daily)
  • 1 cap superpowered probiotic before bed (I recommend Natren's Trinity for fastest relief)
  • 2 scoops Akea Essentials, 1 at breakfast, 1 at lunch (Highly important, as this works full-body and probiotics antioxidants and enzymes as well as probiotics. You need this support when fighting this battle!)
  • Optional: 1 mouth-swish and gargle with Inner Eco every morning and night. Not required to win the battle, but this will make the transition more pleasant by providing extra assistance in your mouth and esophagus.

Fighting helicobacter pylori naturally

The worst enemy of H pylori is the mustard family, which includes broccoli. Whether or not you choose to use antibotics or not, you should also include the following:
  • 1/2 head raw broccoli per day (this can be consumed with cashew dip, sea salt, etc), if needed, this can be briefly dipped in boiling water. (Two seconds in boiling water will make it taste better but preserve 80%+ of the good stuff)
  • 1 stalk broccoli raab (rapini) raw per day or 1 stalk mustard, cooked or raw
  • Optional: Store-bought organic unsweetened mustard daily and powdered mustard in meals.
  • If you don't like mustard or broccoli, then you can accompany them with strongly flavored foods like salsa and guacamole.

    H pylori prefers your stomach to be alkaline

    One thing that is hard for H pylori to tolerate is changing the pH of the stomach dramatically. H pylori starts a pH war with anything acidic, because it needs an alkaline environment, which is why it's so harmful — the stomach is meant to be acidic! This is why many acidic foods burn. However, that burning can be an indicator that you're successfully annoying the H pylori. Consuming apple cider vinegar and fresh lemon juice throughout the day in small amounts will help keep the H pylori off balance.

    Diet for destroying H pylori

    While probiotics and mustards will do most of the work for you, it is important that you're not healing yourself with one hand and punching yourself with the other. What I mean is that you should also look to the rest of your lifestyle for balancing your serious flora problem.
    One major thing to take into account is your diet. Are you consuming coffee, soda, candies, white bread, fast food, or refined sweeteners on a daily basis? If so, cut it out! This is very important if you want a pain-free body. This doesn't mean giving up delicious foods or being groggy in the morning. You can make yourself a chocolate-Akea smoothie in the morning like so:

    Anti-Bacterial Flora-Balancing Tasty Chocolate Wake-Up Call!

  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder
  • 1 scoop akea essentials
  • 3 probiotic tablets (such as acidophilus)
  • Cold drinking water as needed to blend
  • Blend all ingredients in your blender until smooth.

    Other Wake-Up Ideas

    If you're not into cold drinks, or not into chocolate, that's fine. You don't need a McFrosty or a Coffee for a good morning. I promise! You can have a hot cup of chicory tea; it tastes like coffee (but actually is very relaxing, so only use this if you like coffee for warmth and comfort rather than stimulation). You can use carob instead of chocolate if you prefer an option with no stimulants or relaxants. You can opt for licorice herbal tea if you desire something sweet. You can add cinnamon, cloves, and/or ginger to your smoothie or to your tea if you desire something to help keep you warm.
    There are many healthy alternatives to sugared foods and processed bread products. Stop on by my recipes page to discover gluten-free sweetener-free pies are delicious, beautiful, easy to make and fun to share with friends.

    Lifestyle changes to recreate flora balance in your body

    Bacteria is all over you and everything in your home. Some of it is good, some of it is bad. If you have H pylori, then you've got bad bacteria all over every surface you frequent. When you start the protocol for overcoming H pylori, its important to get all of these surfaces clean. Wash your sheets, pillowcases and blankets. Do all of your laundry. Mop the floors. Clean of your desk! I can't stress this one enough: clean your keyboard, your mouse, your monitor, your desk and everything on your desk. Clean your favorite chairs and tables, as well as your toilet, sink and bathtub.
    You don't need to clean everything all at once the same day you begin the protocol. Its going to take a few weeks to get rid of the bacteria inside, and you can likewise take a few weeks about cleaning your home. Start by cleaning your deck on the first day. Then move onto bedding and clothing. Within the first two weeks, aim to do your entire office area and bed area. Next do your kitchen and dining room areas. Then your living room areas. Lastly, do any other location your frequent. When all of that is done, clean your desk again.

    Encourage others to also clean up

    Anyone else you live with should also clean up their areas and take at least two probiotic tablets per day. This is for their protection as well as to help you recover by not getting further bacterial problems from anyone you live with. Encourage them to take Akea Essentials in particular, because this pribiotic powder will benefit them in many ways with its full-body nutrition.

    Your full natural H pylori-killing protocol

    • 3 caps of a cheap probiotic 3 times daily (thats 9 caps daily)
    • 1 cap superpowered probiotic before bed (I recommend Natren's Trinity for fastest relief)
    • 2 scoops Akea Essentials, 1 at breakfast, 1 at lunch
    • Optional: 1 mouth-swish and gargle with Inner Eco every morning and night. Not required to win the battle, but this will make the transition more pleasant by providing extra assistance in your mouth and esophagus.
    • 1/2 head raw broccoli per day (this can be consumed with cashew dip, sea salt, etc), if needed, this can be briefly dipped in boiling water. (2 seconds in boiling water will make it taste better but preserve 80%+ of the good stuff)
    • 1 stalk broccoli raab (rapini) raw per day or 1 stalk mustard cooked or raw
    • Consume apple cider vinegar and fresh lemon juice throughout the day in small amounts diluted in water. This will also help with acid reflux.
    • Optional: Store-bought organic unsweetened mustard daily and powdered mustard in meals.
    • Stop consuming coffee, soda, candies, white bread, fast food, alcohol or refined sweeteners.
    • Do not ever swallow any baking soda. This helps create the environment that H pylori thrives in. Especially do not take anti-acid pills.
    • Clean your home, especially your office and bedroom.

    How long does it take to get rid of H pylori?

    This depends on how long you have already had it, how much of the above you implement, and how good your overall diet and exercise routine is. It can take as little as two weeks. It can take as long as three months. No matter how long it takes, keep sticking with it. Keeping sticking the protocol for at least two months even if it seems like your fine after two weeks. This is critical! If you stop taking probiotics and eating broccoli just because you think you're better, but you still have H pylori in your body, it will come back, and it will come back just as strong or worse!
    So make sure that once you start, you keep on going for at least one full month after all your symptoms are gone. Once you've continued for an entire month past the elimination of all symptoms, you can then safely decrease to just the following daily:

    Maintenance: After all ulcer symptoms have cleared

    • 2 caps of a cheap probiotic daily
    • 2 scoops Akea Essentials, 1 at breakfast, 1 at lunch
    • 1 piece of raw broccoli, mustard or rapini per day
    • Continue to avoid consuming coffee, soda, candies, white bread, fast food, alcohol or refined sweeteners.
    • Continue to maintain a clean home, especially your office and bedroom.
    Eventually you can stop including the broccoli or mustard every single day, but the rest of those are really great to just simply continue for life. What do you have to lose besides being tired, having chronic pain and unwanted bacteria?
    I hope this page empowers you to heal yourself, like I healed myself. You can read more of my story here.
    ~ Raederle

    Friday, December 13, 2013

    Values Clash: Fostering Healthy Change

    Often around the holidays, conflicts arise due to differences in values. A cousin or friend may join your family for Christmas dinner and be shocked that you don't include the “traditional” whateveritis, and be offended. You may visit a friend of a different religion and find yourself in the midst of a spiritual ceremony that is against your religion. You might find holiday music obnoxious, but your siblings may insist on playing it anyway.
    Whatever the situation may be, there is one magic question you can ask yourself to alleviate the discomfort of the situation. Before I get to that, here is an example of one of those difficult situations:
    How can I “speak vegan” in effective ways? At a vegan Thanksgiving, a non-vegan man mentioned a hunter friend of his who sees the animals he kills as sacred. I was speechless and horrified that he said this at a vegan Thanksgiving. Some spoke up in disagreement; We don't need to eat animals to be healthy, there are better ways to be sacred. He responded that his friend believes his hunting practice to be sacred. How can this sort of situation be defused?
    — Vegan seeker of peace
    It is important for both vegans and omnivores to get over the idea that one of you is “right” and that the other is “wrong.” Some of the most spiritually evolved and healthy peoples of the world have included some meat in their diet. Some of the most brilliant people and healthiest people have been vegetarian, vegan or raw foodists. Some vegans are not healthy. Some vegans are very robust. Some omnivores are very spiritual and respectful about hunting. Some are not.
    If you can't respect another person's beliefs, choices, and lifestyle, then you can't hope to ever influence them to be anything different.
    To help a smoker quit smoking, love them despite their habit.
    To help yourself lose weight, accept yourself fully at the weight you are.
    The precondition of change and growth is acceptance.
    In other words, there is no debate, no fight, no “right” and no “wrong” in the discussion. Not if anyone is to “win.” When you argue, you both lose, because you're both just trying to make yourself right. When you both accept and respect each other, you both win, because you get to learn about the other person in an honest and loving way.
    If another person is trying to be right, trying to disrespect you or someone else, then the best thing you can do is ask the magic question, “What would love do?” And then do that.
    Perhaps say, “I understand that you have values that differ from mine. That's okay. I don't think any less of you. We can talk more about how our values differ and how we came to our own values for a better understanding of one another after dinner.”

    A Look At Vegan Values

    When conversations about your vegetarian or vegan diet come up, and the person really wants to know, its best to give them the “soft touch” so that you don't lose their interest and respect. Let them know that you care about the big picture, and keep it personal to how you feel.
    What is the big picture? As a vegan myself, I've been exploring “the big picture” that encompasses veganism, as well as the core values that lead someone to become a vegan. I've come to some startling conclusions which I've detailed in this article, Beyond Veganism. The concepts I write about in Beyond Veganism are ones that took me a few years to formulate: The root of all ethical questions is "Does this allow for thriving?", or in a word, we're all seeking efficiency. To see the dots connect between efficiency and veganism, click here.
    ~ Raederle

    Tuesday, December 10, 2013

    What foods are contaminated with heavy metals and mercury?

    What foods contain mercury or other heavy metals is going to depend wholly on where the food is coming from. A certain type of fish may have no mercury or be saturated depending on the waters it comes from. Similarly, a boxed food may have no heavy metals or it may be loaded depending on how that company processes the food. To know for sure, select a product of interest, find out the company that provides it, call the company and/or visit the website and discover their source or production method.
    If there is contamination, they're going to want to cover it up if they can. Very rarely will anyone honestly say, "yes, my product has contamination." It's bad for business.
    So, in other words, the best you can do is make an educated guess based on what they tell you and what their website says.
    To be on the safe side, I don't recommend any canned foods. All canned foods will have some metal residue, and the chances are good that this residue is harmful to you. Canned foods also tend to contain table salt (not whole and good sea salt) as well as refined sweeteners. Also, nothing that comes in a can on a shelf is raw. It can't be raw on a shelf unless it is dehydrated or the shelf is refridgerated. Otherwise it would spoil.
    Even if being "100% raw" is not a goal for you, I recommend avoiding canned food. If you have some organic canned chickpeas once a year, probably won't hurt you in the slightest, but don't make it your every day lunch.
    To take things further, I generally don't recommend anything boxed at all. Anything advertising being "minute" (like minute rice) is a bad idea. So are artificial flavorings, colorings, MSG, refined sweeteners, etc. Boxed foods tend to have all of that, and they're way more likely to have heavy metals than fresh produce.
    I do enjoy occasional raw organic vegan treats like Go Raw bars and Raw Crunch bars.
    In addition, I ensure that I consume foods like cilantro in my meals and especially in my vegetable juices. Cilantro is a powerful heavy metal detoxifier. Its most effective when used in vegetable juice freshly made at home.

    What foods are a good source of B-vitamins?

    All fruits and leafy greens are excellent sources, and so are most other vegetables. Other categories of food (grains/seeds/nuts/beans/dairy/meat/eggs/fish) are all very limited in b-vitamins. In fact, most people become deficient in b-vitamins due to not getting enough variety of quantity of fresh fruits and leafy greens in their diet (with the exception of B12 which is entirely different from other b-vitamins and really more of a mineral than a vitamin anyway).
    I have full charts for the various b-vitamins as well as the other vitamins and minerals (and protein, and the calcium to phosphorous ratio, and more) in my ultimate vitamin and mineral reference guide, Vitamin Confusion Solution.

    Friday, November 22, 2013

    Introvert Versus Extrovert . . . When & Why "Just Being Yourself" Doesn't Work!

    Introvert Vs Extrovert

    At the end of September 2013 my husband and I returned from a five month trip to Kaua'i island. Upon returning to Buffalo NY (where we were living at the time), we found that our priorities had changed. It became clear to me that human relationships are really the “stuff of life”. Lytenian and I both identified as “introverts” our entire lives, but in late 2013, I began thinking of myself more as an “extrovert” for the first time.
    An introvert is someone who “fuels up” or “gets their energy” from being alone. When enough energy is stored up, an introvert can be socialize, which “drains” them. For an extrovert, the opposite is true. Socializing gives an extrovert fuel, and being alone drains them again.
    Growing up the definition I heard was simply that introverts prefer solitude, and I identified with that. But why? I now have a surprising answer to that question.
    Humans are naturally social, but we turn introverted and solitude-seeking in environments perceived as hostile. Not feeling free to be yourself makes an environment seem threatening. And it is! If you can't be who you really are then you're not safe to communicate your needs and have them met.
    People say “be yourself” and then others will “like you”. I've found that to be false. My “self” is honest, open, opinionated, highly sensitive, open to correction, introspective, adventurous, and rather ignorant of what is going on in pop-culture, fashion, sports, and movies. This “self” has never fit in with the majority of people.
    When I was sixteen I realized that I could create a version of myself that would be popular. I spent a year learning to dress, speak and act like a teenager my age. It was an unpleasant struggle, yet by the age of seventeen I was hosting house-parties and constantly answering my cell phone. Everyone wanted to hang out with "me" – yet I wasn't being me at all! After a little over a year of this, I gave up my popularity in favor of being myself again. I was rather relieved!
    So what is an introvert really?
    Introverts are people who differ enough from the norm that social situations are not “safe” for their true inclinations.
    No wonder there are an increasing number of self-identified introverts!
    So why did I become more extroverted in 2013? While I was on Kaua'i island, I began to socialize with people in a different way. Many of my interactions had to do with survival. What was I going to eat that day? Where could I harvest my food? When communicating about my basic needs it was easy to relate to other human beings. We all need to find food, transportation to that food, clean water, and so on. There was no need for me to be anything other than myself when communicating with others about these basic needs. And thus, for the first time in my life, being around people was life-affirming and energizing.
    After the five-month trip, I began identifying parts of myself that I am not afraid to share with anyone. In fact, the whole trip increased my faith in the universe, decreasing my overall level of fear. Because of this, socializing in general felt less threatening.
    Because my overall fear of socializing was reduced, I began to creatively seek people I could interact with in a way that felt good to me. I began thinking more outside of the box about social interactions. In 2014 I began attending new and interesting sorts of activities – acro-yoga, sewing parties, juggling workshops, and even beer-brewing workshops despite my own choice to not drink. I found that people who attended these unusual activities were great, open-minded conversationalists.
    In 2017, I started up my own Ithaca Raw Food & Consciousness Alchemy meetup group to start hosting my own creative events. I came up with the concept of the Conscious Social where ice-breakers, meditations and unconventional socializing standards were normalized and woven into the social atmosphere.
    Much of being social as an unconventional, high-anxiety person is learning what topics to bring up with which people. If the conversation starts heading down a path you're not comfortable with, don't perpetuate it . The moment you add to the discussion, you're forwarding that topic. Think of something insightful that is relevant to a recently dropped thread of the conversation to steer the conversation, or find a different group of people to speak with. Whatever you do, don't continue to participate in a conversation that feels draining or limits your authenticity.
    It is critical that you maintain your authenticity and some level of comfort in your social interactions if you want to be able to socialize without feeling drained. If you're already someone who identifies as an introvert, then you have experienced a lot of draining social interactions. Through the very powerful mechanism of association, your mind is already set up to view all social situations as potentially harmful. This perceived threat is very real, because the associated emotional damage is very real. To heal this wound, you need to make socializing safe for yourself.
    I've learned that it really is okay for me to exclude myself or leave a situation. When you know you can do that, the pressure is off. You never have to “pretend” to be anything that you are not or suffer through a situation where being yourself is not comfortable.
    Lytenian (my husband), a notoriously anti-social person, has come through this same journey with me. We discovered that he can be quite social for hours on end when he is feeling like he is “safe”. We first discovered this as at a polyamory gathering in 2012. In this setting of alternative relationship styles, there was a sense of radical acceptance. Suddenly we were not weird for our choices in food, clothing, recreation, and study. We were just more unique, interesting individuals – just like the other fifty attendees!
    Prior to this gathering in 2012, Lytenian had always shied away from social situations. He would prefer to hide behind books, computers, and power tools. He would make any excuse to be away from people. But at this gathering, he spent the entire four-day weekend socializing and he didn't feel drained. For me, this was all the proof I needed. In the years since then, my conviction about the true nature of introversion has only grown stronger.

    We're All Actually Ambiverts

    In reality, there are no people who simply are always drained by social exchanges from birth, or people who are always fueled by social exchanges from birth. We're all ambiverts – people who can be drained or fueled by socializing depending on the circumstances. However, there's a catch! Our associations are a large aspect of the circumstances! This means that every past negative social experience is relevant when calculating whether or not you're likely to experience a social interaction as fueling or draining.
    What can be done about these past negative associations? The key is to stop reinforcing them. Stop attending events or activities that you already know will feel draining. Start attending events that will have an unpredictable emotional result for you. Go to new social activities that you've never done before, and go into it expecting a different experience. Set yourself up for a successfully pleasant experience by bringing everything you need to feel safe. That might include comfort foods, a best friend, an extra fluffy sweater, an extra canteen of water, a favorite essential oil, or a book to read.

    How Moving from Introvert to Extrovert Has Changed My Life

    After discovering this new aspect of myself that actually likes socializing, I began to orchestrate my life in new ways. In 2014 I led my first series of in-person classes. Where most of my work had previously revolved around long-distance clients that I took by phone and e-mail, I began to actually teach live classes in my home. I discovered that one of the easiest ways for me to personally feel safe is to be the facilitator of an activity or event. As the event host and leader, I could set my own norms. This made it possible for me to create classes that felt safe to other "introverts" like myself by cultivating an environment of radical acceptance.
    I still recommend that people who take my in-person classes start with my e-books, such as Collecting Calcium (a nutritionally complete meal plan specifically designed for overcoming and preventing bone problems such as arthritis and osteoporosis), and The Ultimate Nutrition Reference. There is a place for hermit-like home-study in everyone's life.
    For me, being hermit-like has been the story of my childhood and teenage years. The long years of introspection were powerful in my development. My twenties have been dedicated to learning how to socialize. As you may already know, when you struggle with something or come to it late in life, you make a better teacher than a natural. A natural swimmer, like myself, has a hard time teaching someone else to swim. I don't think about swimming – I just do it! But when it has come to my digestive system or socializing – I've struggled incredibly. And I've persevered. I've kept trying in the face of hundreds of failures. This is precisely why I've become a master at the things I have – because of the struggle. Mastering the art of interacting with other humans is still a work in progress, but it is one of the most satisfying challenges for me to overcome.

    Interaction Using Structure

    One of the most popular ways for "introverts" to gather is over board games. The structure of the game creates a way to interact that everyone agrees upon when going into the game. The game comes with its own jargon and methodologies. For the period of the game, the players put themselves into the prescribed roles of playing the game. Within that construct, the players are allowed to be themselves safely. Because of this, board games were the primary way I was able to socialize as a child, and thereby I became passionate about gaming in my teens.
    This led to my creation of several games including Heir to the Phoenix Crown, a hard-core strategy game; A Voice of Conscience, a party game of ethical quandaries that is easy to learn and teach; Decisive Desserts, a game that combines a recipe book with several card games; Numinous Nonflict, a medium strategy game; and Other Temperate Fruits, a party game that takes word-association to a new level of fun. Creating games and hosting board game gatherings has been a critical bridge for me in times when I didn't know how else to connect with others.
    Other structured events include: berry picking excursions, hiking, yoga, dance classes, jewelry making workshops, and consciousness alchemy sessions.

    Spending Time Alone

    I'm still fairly "introverted" by most standards. I work from home. I meditate, read, write, paint, clean and do many other activities alone each day. But this doesn't mean I don't crave social interaction. Lytenian used to complain: "She never leaves me alone." He would sometimes even say, "I can only escape her by working while she sleeps." This seems to be another common trend among "introverted" people. While they may shy away from large groups of people, they'll be found clinging (often quite physically) to their primary partner in life for much of each day.

    How Priorities Impact Energy Levels

    Many people use the excuse that they "don't have time" for something when they explain why they are not doing it. This is never really true. We have time for anything we prioritize. Often, we prioritize things that are actually very draining both physically and emotionally. When we do this, it exacerbates any existing associations with socialization. If we cling to social events as our one source of energy, we'll be even more attached to attending any party we're invited to if we work in a draining atmosphere. And if we cling to our alone time as our one source of rejuvenation outside of our stressful workplace, then we'll be even less likely to branch out and attend a party.
    If you really want something, then energy will be generated by giving yourself complete permission to prioritize that want. I started designing board games while I was simultaneously traveling, working to support Lytenian and myself, working on refining my house-guest skills, and maintaining a low-budget healthy lifestyle. (The low-budget aspect combined with the healthy aspect meant taking every offer of discounted organic produce at grocery stores and finding ways to turn it into delicious meals for my husband and I.) Can you imagine squeezing hours of design, development and game testing into such a busy lifestyle? Yet I really wanted it, and I made it a priority.
    Looking at your life as a cluttered time line with no room for anything new is very stressful. This outlook – all by itself – is a strong contributor to feeling attached to one's existing association with social activities.
    I learned that I had a lot more time than I thought I did while I was on Kaua'i island. I experienced what it was like to wake up with the sun each morning and head outdoors to find my breakfast. In a single day I might lay a row of plants, harvest a basket of mangoes, pick and enjoy figs, check up on the aquaponic system and work on it for a while, water the greenhouse, go for a walk, enjoy a conversation with a friend and neighbor, spend time working for a client or two, clean my outdoor kitchen, do dishes, prepare meals, and more. Each day was incredibly full.
    That made my days in Buffalo seem quite empty by contrast. I realized that I had plenty of time.
    Of course, how much time you have is consistent. It is your level of energy that is in flux. I had more energy while I was on Kaua'i island. The air was pristine. I was getting more exercise and harvesting the food I ate. My social interactions were life-affirming. These factors all seemed to magically give me "more time" but in reality, these factors were giving me more energy.
    After returning to Buffalo from Kaua'i island, I started putting some of my extra energy into expanding my non-fiction reading. The trend of expansion, inspiration and growing energy was furthered by reading Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations with God. I've found that having uplifting reading material creates a lot more energy in my life, allowing me to prioritize more of the things I really want.

    Identifying What People Really Are At A Deeper Level

    What people are inherently is potential itself. Very little about a person is impossible to change. That said, there are aspects of people which are so deeply ingrained they are very unlikely to ever change. For example, take representational systems. Whether or not you're more of a visual processor or a auditory processor is unlikely to ever change. My primary system is kinesthetic. This means that when I recall something, the most vivid aspect of the memory is generally what I felt – the texture, the shape, the positioning, and the emotions. When I think of a board game, one of the first things that occurs to me is how the pieces feel in my fingers, and how the texture of the cards and board feel. An auditory processor will quickly notice the sound of birds or music and recall these aspects more sharply than people who are more visual or kinesthetic.
    Representational systems are core how how you perceive the world, and thus, they're unlikely to ever change. Whether or not you feel drained by social interactions is how you respond to a given type of stimuli. It is mostly controlled by your associations, feelings and thoughts during a given instance. That makes it much more malleable.
    This has become my primary area of study – the layers of your personality and what makes you who you are, and how to explore and adjust who you are to fulfill your greatest visions for yourself. If you're interested in more of my insights, sign up for my newsletter below.
    ~ Raederle
    The Consciousness Alchemist

    Thursday, November 7, 2013

    Your Second Reference Page

    This is your second reference page. You can go to the first one by clicking here.
    Here are some quick reminders:

    Dental Care

    For your gums, you may find that this inexpensive Gum Stimulator is particularly useful. It's just a tool to gently and easily stimulate the gums and clean them. I use one and rather like it.
    I have more on dental health on this page here.

    Great Books on Health

    There are lots of great books on what foods to eat. One book that I particularly enjoyed was The Hippocrates Diet. I have a full recommendations list for books on this page.

    Other Notes

    Besides amazon, I also shop on SunBurst Superfoods which has some of the best deals on carob, spirulina, pomegranate powder, blueberry powder, goji berries and mulberries.
    ~ Raederle

    Wednesday, October 30, 2013

    Diet For Intestinal Flora Health

    If you came here seeking a flora-restart plan for you, this blog will be a great read. Also look at this protocol for curing candida, H pylori, and other flora issues.

    My babyhood flora situation

    I have come to the conclusion that my health problems developed before my birth. Not just because of my mother's amalgam fillings, which gave me a dose of mercury while developing, but because my mother has been repeatedly on antibiotics for much of her lifetime. In fact, she was on antibiotics for ten years straight during her early years. This was what doctors used to do if you got scarlet fever, to make sure you never got it again. Because if you got it again, you died.
    What does it mean for the baby if the mother has taken antibiotics a lot in her lifetime?
    Babies are born with the flora of their mother. My mother had imbalanced intestinal flora. To make things worse, I developed rheumatic fever as a newborn and took antibiotics for that. It's a vicious cycle. You have a poor immune system, so you get sick more easily. Then they give you antibiotics to kill off the bad bacterias which weakens your immune system and so you get sick more easily.
    I was sick a lot as a kid. By sixteen my gut was destroyed. I was constantly burping, getting sick, experiencing very painful acid reflux, bloating, constipation, locking jaw, yeast infections, and so on. When conventional medicine failed to help, I started researching. At the age of seventeen I put into action some of what I'd learned from the web, and I discovered what it felt like to have energy for the first time in my life. As a result, I became fascinated with food, nutrition and biology.
    Over the years, I've become an expert in intestinal health. I've struggled with it so much that I've had to learn more and more about it. By the age of twenty I was taking on clients and helping them with their intestinal issues.
    I've taken antibiotics over and over in my life time, somewhere between ten and fourteen times as a child. If you've taken antibiotics more than three times in your life without a restoration plan, the chances are that your flora is a total disaster. This reduces your ability to absorb nutrition and successfully fend off disease.
    If two or more of the following symptoms apply to you, then your flora could use some radical improvement.
    • Stomach pains, bloating, gas and/or acid reflux
    • Skin problems (skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne, itchy skin)
    • Foggy brain, difficulty concentrating
    • Constant tiredness, exhaustion and/or adrenal fatigue
    • Mood swings, irritability , anger outbursts, or anxiety attacks
    • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
    • Intense cravings for sugars, sweets, and breads
    • Headaches
    I used to have all of the above symptoms and more. I experienced a major shift from removing many toxins from my diet in 2008, but it wasn't until I tried an exclusively raw vegan diet in 2010 that this all shifted. I was living in California at the time and I found that for the first time in my life – as a direct result of switching to raw food – I enjoyed sunshine! Always before it had given me headaches and made my skin immediately feel as if it were burning.
    In 2011 I was frustrated that some of these symptoms came back. Of the raw foodists I knew, it seemed like they weren't having this problem after a year of raw veganism, so why was I have a return of problems?
    I was on a mission to experience perfect health, so I wasn't content with my improved list of symptoms which I described like this in 2011:
    • Twice a week I get a strong craving for something starchy/bready or sweet, or fatty.
    • Twice a month I get "in a mood" where I'm apathetic/depressed for a few hours.
    • Three times a month I get stomach pains, generally following a large meal containing both fruits and fats
    • Mild skin breakouts
    I came to the conclusion that I needed to balance the bacteria in my gut. Of course, I didn't realize at the time that nobody really knows how to do that. Science doesn't have a magic recipe for good gut flora. We only have piles of anecdotal evidence about what has worked for some cultures and some individuals.
    In April 2011 I moved from Walnut Creek, California to Buffalo, New York. I experienced the worst shift in my health that month than I had since going raw vegan. The stress was so intense that I actually binged on deep-fried shrimp and fries – foods I hadn't eaten in years!
    So how to get back on track? I devised a system, that I will detail in a moment, but first, another question.

    Why doesn't a raw vegan diet provide good bacteria?

    Unless you're eating fermented food at least twice a day, you're not getting a significant influx of good bacteria in a modern life. Most people no longer eat dirt on their own home-grown vegetables or consume home-made sauerkraut regularly.
    Some raw vegans make their own sauerkraut in huge batches, but most tend to stumble into raw food through comfort foods – raw vegan pies and cheesecakes, raw vegan crepes and wraps, raw vegan pizzas and crackers. These recipes are fun, delicious and wholesome, but they're not probiotic. In fact, most of these recipes are dehydrating enough to be counterproductive when you're trying to clean up your intestinal environment.
    In 2011, in a single week I would consume a bottle of kombucha, two servings of sauerkraut, two servings of fermented nut cheese, and a serving of home-made coconut kefir. I learned that this would never be enough to overcome an unbalanced intestinal tract. Even adding probiotic supplements isn't enough because you have to deal with the existing, unwanted, entrenched flora.

    Rebalancing Your Intestinal Flora

    Here I present to you a combination plan to tackle the bad bacteria full force, and then send in a flood of healthy bacteria.
    The diet illustrated below has been indicated as a method for curing cancer, candidiasis, diabetes and many other conditions quite rapidly. I learned about these techniques from Misty Mountain Retreat in Australia, Dr. Gerson, Dr. Ritamarie, Dr. Gundry and many other pioneers.
    This diet has two phases: Starve; Replenish
    The starve and kill phase is about starving and killing bad bacteria. The replenish phase is for filling the body with good bacteria.

    Phase 1: Starve unwanted parasites, bacteria, fungi, etc

    A raw vegan diet already does a good job of limiting flora problems. The big imbalances come from pasta, flour, bread, white sugar, brown sugar, molasses, corn syrup, trans fats, aspartame, canola oil, msg, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and hydrogenated oils. None of those are included in a raw diet.
    Even whole food diets can contain too much empty carbohydrate and not enough antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and healthy fats.
    Raw vegetables offer nothing for bad bacteria to feed on, and the vast amount of fiber helps clear bad bacteria out. Enjoy as many raw vegetables as you like.
    Raw fruits offer little for bad bacteria to feed on. The natural sugars in raw fruits provides enough for an imbalance to remain, but not enough to cause a tremendous sporing of bad bacteria.
    People who include agave in their raw diet may still experience severe imbalance if they consume it often enough. Remember that agave is High Fructose Agave Syrup.
    For a long time the idea of starving out candida has gone around as the "way to go" if you want to successfully get rid of it. Unfortunately, many people are learning the hard way that merely cutting out everything sweet can cause candida to become more systemic. If there is nothing in the intestines to eat, candida goes elsewhere. It is common to have flora issues in the lymphatic system body-wide. To avoid this, you can water-fast until it is really, really gone. An easier route is to combine the bacteria-starving diet with a strong course of herbal antibiotics. Supplements like "para-rid" and "parasite free" with an array of bacteria-killing substances highly enhance this phase. You can also use laxitives during the first few days of the starve phase such as Smooth Move tea by Traditional Medicinals, or aloe juice. I recommend aloe juices sold in glass without the use of strong preservatives, or adding the clear gel from the inside of home-grown aloe to your smoothies.
    Excellent fruits for phase one: avocados, olives, peeled cucumbers with seeds removed, raspberries, blackberries, grapefruits, dried schisandra berries.
    Acceptable in moderation fruits for phase one: kiwis, mangoes, blueberries, pomegranates.
    Not okay fruits (due to fructose): bananas, pineapples, pears, peaches, plums, oranges, nectarines, most dried fruits, and apples.
    More not okay fruits (due to lectins*): tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, goji berries.
    *Learn more about a lectin-free diet in my article: My first three weeks on The Plant Paradox Program.
    When you do phase one ("Starve"), be sure you absolutely do not turn to typical oils and fatty foods as your source of calories in place of fruits and vegetables. I made this serious mistake in 2013. I ate nuts, oils and seeds with abandon. I also ate lots of sauerkraut and vegetables. And I developed very painful lymphatic blockages in my breasts and glands around my throat from too much rancid fat combined with lectins. There are some oils, nuts and seeds you can consume, which I will list for you now, but emphasize vegetables and fruits more.
    Excellent seeds, nuts and oils for phase one (consume up to 1 cup of these items combined daily and up to ½ cup of any if these individually): freshly ground flaxseed, avocado oil, flaxseed oil, hemp oil, chia oil.
    Acceptable in moderation (¼ cup or less per day of all of these items combined) for phase one: tahini (sesame seed), hemp seeds, hazelnuts, macadamia nut, olive oil.
    Acceptable in extreme moderation (1 tablespoon or less per day of these items combined): Brazil nuts, pinenuts, walnut, pecans, roasted almonds, chia seeds.
    Not okay oils, seeds and nuts (due to high omega-6): sunflower oil, safflower oil, peanut oil, grapeseed oil, canola oil.
    More not okay oils, seeds and nuts (due to lectins): cashews, peanuts, corn, wheat, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.
    The "starve" phase as described above continues for the full time period of the diet, which is six weeks.
    To kill off the unwanted flora, emphasize garlic, onion and powdered cayenne. A garlic tea can be made from several cloves of garlic, pressed and steeped in a teapot. I also recommend grapefruit seed extract, especially if you're not taking a parasite-killing herbal blend.
    Note: Garlic, onion and hot peppers should be avoided for people with stomach ulcers. I also learned this the hard way. With stomach ulcers, you first need to tackle healing those. One of the best things you can do for those is drink lots of fresh celery juice and/or cabbage juice, especially first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Celery and cabbage are both healing a multitude of ways. Cabbage is a high source of l-glutamine which is the amino acid most helpful in healing ulcers of the stomach and of the mouth (cankersores). Spirulina and asparagus are also high sources of l-glutamine and its required co-factors for healing your stomach lining.

    Phase 2: Replenish with desirable flora

    What to eat during your flora-balancing regimen:
    • Nori wraps
    • Salad topped with herbs, berries, avocado oil, ground flaxseed, hempseed and olives
    • Guacamole with plenty of cilantro in the mix served with flax crackers (gluten-free, sweetener-free, lectin-free crackers)
    • Fresh, home-made vegetable juices
    • Snacks of pickled artichoke hearts, pickled asparagus, pickled garlic scapes, kim chi and olives
    • Peeled cucumbers with seeds removed, topped with mustard
    • Home-made kale chips and/or chard chips made with an herb-rich and/or garlic-rich coating (use avocado oil, and do not buy store-bought brands with sweeteners, cashews or peppers in them)
    • Celery and baby carrots
    • Soup made from wakame flakes, chickpea miso, spices, herbs, garlic and (optionally, if you're an omnivore) bone broth from grass-fed animals
    • Kelp noodles
    Phase 2 additions:
    • Inner Eco (coconut kerfir)
    • Coconut yogurt (such as Cocoyo)
    • Kim Chi (fermented spicy vegetables)
    • Lacto-fermented vegetables
    • Probiotic Supplements
    • Kombucha (not Kevita brand or other overly sweet and cheap brands/flavors – I recommend AquaVitea and Brew Dr. as two brands that offer kombuchas with powerful benefits and not too much overt sweetness)
    • Sauerkraut
    • Water kefir
    • Fermented hazelnut cheese
    • Organic tempeh (only include this if soy has previously been an ongoing part of your diet)
    • Kefir and yogurt from goats, sheep, camels, etc. (Do not consume dairy products from cows unless they are certified A2 cows. Only include diary if you previously have included dairy in your diet without known reactions. Do not add any non-fermented dairy into your diet.)
    Phase 1 and Phase 2 together make up a six-week period of time. Transitioning from the first phase to the second one can be gradual or abrupt, but either way, the focus changes from eating intense foods to clean out your unwanted flora (such as garlic), to eating replenishing foods such as kefir. If you choose to take anti-parasite supplements, continue these for three weeks and make sure you go onto high doses of probiotics the same day you stop taking the anti-parasite herbs.

    General Eating Recommendations Overview during a Flora Cleanse

    • Nori wraps emphasizing vegetables
    • Cranberry juice, pure and unsweetened
    • Guacamole emphasizing onions and garlic (up until you're in the replenish phase)
    • Lots of fresh home-made vegetable juices, especially celery, cabbage, and kale
    • Large daily salads using cold-pressed refrigerated oils (flax oil or hemp oil usually)
    • Some fruits daily in moderation: kiwi, pomegranate, grapefruit, oranges
    • Coconut water from young coconuts
    • Inner Eco daily
    • Additional probiotics, sauerkraut, kim chi, kombucha, water kefir, etc, at your discretion
    • Limit cooked foods to highly beneficial vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and asparagus.
    • Limit animal products to wild-caught fish, fish oil, and the occasional egg from a pasture-raised bird.
    • Only consume dairy if you've previously consumed dairy with no known reactions, only yogurts and kefirs (no cheese, no milk), only diary from grass-fed animals that are not cows, or at the least, not A1 cows.
    • AVOID all lectins including cashews, peanuts, beans and gluten.
    • Avoid rancid fats including most store-bought oils, coconut meat, and coconut milk.
    • Avoid all sweeteners including agave nectar, white sugar, brown sugar, molasses, maple syrup and honey.
    • Avoid dried fruits (with the exception of non-sweet dried fruits such as seabuckthorn berries).
    • Avoid stimulants and drugs such as alcohol, coffee, and smoking.
    • Avoid processed foods, most cooked foods, most animal products.
    • Avoid excessive stress.
    When Lytenian and I tried this the first time I struggled quite a lot. In 2011 I wrote, "I'm used to eating three to six bananas a day, often with berries, plums, apples, etc." However, in the years to follow, I've dramatically improved my success and the success of my clients by incorporating what I've learned from great pioneers such as Dr. Gundry; it is important to leave out the lectins (no cashews!) and it is also highly important to take in a lot of antioxidants. You can use supplements like camu camu powder, spiriulina powder, and chlorella powder to dramatically up your antioxidant diversity and range while also balancing your intake of amino acids, minerals and vitamins.
    After six weeks you can transition to a diet containing sweet fruits that remains mostly raw vegan. Or you can transition to a diet that is based primarily on cooked vegetables and wild-caught fish but low in fruits. I recommend taking one direction or the other. I've found that diets high in sweet fruits are best if the overall diet is raw with limited animal products (or no animal products). I've found that diets that include a lot of sweet fruits with meat in the same day are less effective for digestive health as well as building muscle.
    You can still consume important supplements such as fish oil on a diet that is otherwise raw and vegan. You can still consume high-antioxidant fruits such as berries on a diet that is centered around fish and vegetables. I do not recommend consuming low-value animal products such as pasteurized milk, bacon, or eggs from chickens raised on corn (even if it is organic corn). If you want animal products in your diet, go for the ones that have high nutritional value such as raw goat milk from grass-raised goats, or whole, healthy animals where you consume the bones, skins, heart, liver, etc, and not just the meat. Safest of all is wild-caught fish which provides long-chain fatty acids without the same cancer-causing issues of land animals.
    Vegans, I highly recommend that you consume sea vegetables every day: spirulina, dulse, chlorella, etc. These will fill in gaps in amino acid consumption, vitamin intake, and mineral intake. Also be sure to continue to consume plenty of fermented food every after the diet ends to be sure you at least get some vitamin K2, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 from fermented food, even if it is usually just a trace amount. If you can, get natto and consume it regularly. Beware of beans that have not been pressure-cooked.
    ~ Raederle
    Stay in touch with me via my newsletter. Sign up below.

    Thursday, October 24, 2013

    Reducing inflammation, increasing energy levels & feeling amazing

    Hi there.
    I've put together this page for you for your reference.
  • For more energy, antioxidants, probiotics and enzymes with a wide variety of nutrients, I recommend Akea Essentials. I particularly recommend this for you because it is SO helpful with cravings! The order page is here. The second option down is for two cans per month, and puts you on "autoship". When you get them on autoship it costs a bit less than if you don't. If you decide after a month or after a few months that you don't like it (which I doubt will happen — most people just love it more and more), you can cancel the autoship at any time.
  • For storing food in a completely toxin-free practical container, I recommend Snapware Glasslock Food Containers.
  • For a healthy gluten-free alternative to cooked pasta, I recommend Sea Tangle Kelp Noodles.
  • The seven minute video below is from a talk I gave back in April talking about maximizing nutrition per dollar. I think you'll find it interesting.
  • To learn about gluten, listen to this interesting interview with Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, "What's wrong with gluten?"
  • We have not talked about this one yet, but you may want to consider iodine. Lugal's Iodine (5%) provides enough iodine to help push out other substances (halogens such as chlorine and flourine) that are harmful. This can be especially helpful in reducing inflammation, improving hormonal function and removing heavy metals from the body. One friend of mine lost her need for glasses after she started taking Lugal's Iodine.
  • Raederle's Longevity & Berries Salad

    • 2 heads romaine lettuce or about 8 ounces of washed greens
    • 1-2 chopped apples or 1 pomegranate's arils
    • 1-2 spoonfuls of berry jam (cranberry for bladder infections, blueberries for joint paint, raspberries for stress, strawberries for comfort, linganberries for cognitive function) Choose a jam without any added sugar! Sweetener should be apple juice or grape juice.
    • 1-2 scoops Akea (its best to have 1 scoop in the morning and 1 scoop later, but if you're doing it all at once, then it can all go on one salad)
    • 2-3 tablespoons flax oil or hemp oil, refrigerated (make sure to buy from the fridge and store in the fridge)
    To prepare: Wash and chop romaine lettuce and/or other greens. Wash and chop apples. Spoon jam into salad bowl with apple chunks and greens. Sprinkle akea on top. Add oil to the akea and stir salad thoroughly. (Akea powder should become fully moistened from apples, oil, and damp greens.)
    Here is a beautiful story of a woman who cured her Lupus with raw food in combination with other natural practices.
    Let me know if I forgot anything to include on here. :)
    ~ Raederle

    Wednesday, August 14, 2013

    Calcium Phosphorus Ratio and its role in Osteoporosis & Arthritis

    What is the significance of the Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio?

    For every milligram of phosphorus you consume, you must consume another milligram of calcium. If you do not do so, then calcium gets taken from the calcium pool of your body – bones and teeth – where most of the calcium in your body is stored, in order to balance the phosphorus. Calcium, combined with phosphate, forms hydroxylapatite, which is the mineral portion of human and animal bones and teeth.
    Just like omega-6, phosphorus is something you need for many important bodily functions – such as creating ATP (Adenosine triphosphate – the coenzyme needed for energy transfer) and building bones – but it is something that is usually consumed in excess.
    The excess of phosphorus in today's modern diet is a major cause of bone diseases. It is often overlooked, perhaps because bone health is so complicated. Bone marrow, for example, is generated by your kidneys. The health of your kidneys, therefore, has a lot to do with the health of your bones. In theory, I could draw the conclusion that kidney health is more relevant than phosphorus consumed. However, that isn't the case, because the balance of minerals consumed affects every part of the body, including the kidneys and the bones.
    Minerals are not proactively absorbed by your body. They are passively absorbed as they "fall" upon mineral receptors in your body. This means that the combinations of food you consume will impact what minerals you receive. Also, the health of the vitamin and mineral receptors in your body will play a major role in what minerals you actually retain.
    Humans tend to absorb more calcium than phosphorus, so it can be tricky to say whether or not something is “bone building” based on the calcium to phosphorus ratio alone. However, when you stray far enough away from a 1:1 ratio in foods, it is pretty evident if a food is harmful or not when consumed in excess and/or in combination with other foods with similar ratios. When foods have three times as much phosphorus as calcium, or more, that is where it starts becoming a big problem.
    Nevertheless, the calcium to phosphorus ratio is often entirely overlooked when it comes to humans. Interestingly, we pay close attention to it when it comes to horses.
    "In horses calcium helps maintain normal brain and nerve function and aids in heart, skeletal muscle, and intestinal contraction. Phosphorus helps regulate muscle and heart contraction, cell integrity, and glucose use.
    "The calcium to phosphate ratio in the equine diet is important because the two work closely together: "A balanced equine diet must have 0.15-1.5% of calcium and 0.15-0.6% of phosphorus in feed dry matter," Toribio explained. "A calcium to phosphorus ratio of less than 1:1 can have negative consequences on the skeleton." Simply put, a horse needs at least as much calcium in his diet as phosphorus, never the reverse."
    The strange thing about the above quote is that all of those facts apply to humans as well. So why do we only pay attention when it comes to horses? Perhaps because people feel more invested in money than in health. Horses are expensive to buy, to feed, to raise, and very expensive to help if they break a bone. Despite that humans are just as "expensive" as horses, cars, homes – you name it – often people feel reluctant to pay as close attention to their own health.
    The calcium to phosphorus ratio didn't used to be as big of a deal as it is now. Phosphorus in the soil and in the foods we consume is on the rise due to pesticide use, and calcium content is on the decline due to over-farming the same soils again and again with calcium-depleting crops.
    The good news is that you don't have to supplement to get a good calcium to phosphorus ratio in your diet. You do need, however, at the very least, a good chart that shows the calcium to phosphorus (Ca:P) ratio of each food. I hunted for such a chart. I thought, "There has to be one, there just has to be." And yet, and found no such chart. I was astonished that no such chart existed.
    I decided that I would make such a chart. As I was creating it, looking up the nutritional data for one food at a time and then calculating the ratio of calcium to phosphorus, I became more and more shocked. Several healthy fruits that I ate (at the time) on a daily basis had double to quadruple as much phosphorus as calcium!
    It's no wonder that even as a toddler my bones would "pop" at the slightest movement and become sore from the lightest bruise... When you consider that as I child I ate a diet loaded with phosphorus but deficient in calcium (and magnesium too!). For example, corn has a shocking Ca:P ratio of 1:45.4 which means that corn has 45 times as much phosphorus as calcium! And we eat corn in everything – high fructose corn syrup, corn chips, corn muffins, corn bread, corn tortillas, chowder, stir-fries, vegetable mixes and more.
    And wheat isn't much better. Flours, wheats, and even sprouted grains, all contain more phosphorus than calcium. And not just a little more either... Wheat flour (both enriched and non-enriched) has 6.4 times as much phosphorus as calcium (Ca:P = 1:6.4). Whole grain wheat flour has 10.5 times as much phosphorus as calcium (Ca:P = 1:10.5).
    I don't advocate eating flour, but the reality is (whether you like it or not), flour is everywhere! Its even in the so-called "health foods" that now line grocery store shelves. Flour isn't required for delicious pies (as seen in my gluten-free recipes), and the gluten in wheat has been shown to disrupt healthy digestion even in non-celiac individuals. (More info on that to your right.)
    The question rapidly becomes, "What do I eat?" and "How can I make my bones healthy but still enjoy my meals?"
    If you already don't eat gluten or processed foods, you're probably not too concerned about the high phosphorus levels of grains such as wheat and corn. But did you know that banana trees are actually a grass (the biggest in the world) and they too have much more phosphorus than calcium? This hit me the hardest! I love bananas!
    Not to worry though. You can still eat bananas and get more calcium than phosphorus in your diet. Even though bananas have four times as much phosphorus as calcium, there are other foods out there that have four times as much calcium as phosphorus. In fact, I discovered a few magic herbs with as much as 18 times as much calcium as phosphorus!
    If you'd like to see my Calcium to Phosphorus chart for yourself, and over thirty other incredible nutrition-comparing charts that show you foods in ways you've never seen foods before, then let me introduce you to Vitamin Confusion Solution.
    Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine that occurs in genetically predisposed people of all ages. Symptoms may include discomfort in the digestive tract, chronic constipation and diarrhoea, and fatigue.
    Celiac disease is caused by a reaction to gliadin, a prolamin (gluten protein) found in wheat, and similar proteins found in the crops of the tribe Triticeae (which includes other common grains such as barley and rye).
    In recent studies on healthy individuals, even people who are not allergic to gluten, and who do not have celiac disease, its been shown that there is still an inflammatory response to gluten.
    In my ultimate nutrition reference chart guide, Vitamin Confusion Solution, I analyze over 140 different whole foods and give you their Ca:P ratios, organized from best to worst, making it easy for you to choose foods with 1:1 ratios or better. You'll also get charts showing the best sources for vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, A, C, E, K, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Zinc, Omega-3, and Omega-6.
    AND, there is even a chart showing you the Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio in foods, showing you all of the foods that have more omega-3 than omega-6. You'll be surprised: chia seeds and flax seeds are not nearly the only foods with more omega-3 than omega-6.
    You might be thinking, "I'd love to have this reference guide. But is it enough? How much time will I have to spend looking up foods in the guide to decide what meals are best for me...?" It's a fair question. That's why I created Collecting Calcium, a 7-day nutritionally complete meal plan where you get more calcium than phosphorus in each and every day of the meal plan. And, you still get to eat foods that don't have as much calcium as phosphorus, because each day is balanced with foods rich in calcium and low in phosphorus.
    Collecting Calcium also provides more than adequate levels of magnesium in each day, which is also important for bone health, as well as a good omega-3 to omega-6 ratio (in each day!), promoting a healthy brain, strong muscles and good digestion.

    How to prevent and reverse osteoporosis and arthritis...

    • More calcium than phosphorus (for healthy bones and digestion)
    • More potassium than sodium (for hydration and bone health)
    • High levels of magnesium (for healthy bones and muscles)
    • A healthy ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 (for healthy bones and brain)
    • Good levels of healthy fats, protein, healthy carbs and calories
    • Good levels of b-vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
    • Very little of foods high in phosphorus or sulfuric acid
    This formula will absolutely help the health of your bones, and for many people, it may immediately begin to reverse osteoporosis, arthritis and other degenerative bone conditions. Some people have even healed small cavities in their teeth!
    With Collecting Calcium you're provided with:
    • A complete grocery list giving you the exact amount of everything you'll need for the full seven days of the program.
    • Substitution suggestions, allowing for diets that contain no oil, no vinegar, no nuts and/or no seeds. The directions allow for you to include or exclude any of these and still meet your nutritional requirements and build healthy bones.
    • A list of foods that you can eat as much as you want of without ruining the healthy impact of following the program.
    • Directions for how to customize your grocery list to meet the needs of you and your family.
    • Specific timing for how long to wait after each meal before the next meal to allow for optimal digestion, fat loss and muscle growth. Following these specific timing rules will make a big difference in your level of energy.
    • 25 recipes including 5 desserts that actually build your bones!
    In just seven days of building your bones you'll enjoy Cucumber Tahini Sauce with Flax Nori Wraps, Honey Mustard Blondies, Ginger-Apricot Muesli, Sweet Chard Salad, Garlic Collard Wraps, Banana Ice-Cream (with secret bone-building ingredients that taste great!), French Marinated Salad, Indian Turmeric Treats, Rosemary Zucchini Medley, and many, many other delicious wholesome meals!
    While enjoying this delicious, easy-to-follow, nutritious meal plan, if you find that you have any questions, you can e-mail me at any time. I love hearing from you. Your critiques, questions and testimonials are precious to me!
    If you're ready to stop suffering from bone-related pain and start thriving, then buy Collecting Calcium now. If you want to also eliminate confusion regarding which foods are "high" in what vitamins and minerals and see a full Calcium to Phosphorus food chart, then you'll want Vitamin Confusion Solution as well.
    If you buy both together, I'll throw in Select, Store, Eat & Digest Raw Food (a $19.97 value) and Nut-Free Raw Recipes (a $14 value) as additional bonuses, and you'll save $63.97! (See below.)

    Collecting Calcium


    Vitamin Confusion Solution


    Nut-Free Raw Recipes


    Select, Store, Eat & Digest Raw Food


    Bone Builders Package



    You save $63.97 when you buy these together!
    Questions? Concerns? Sign up for my newsletter and/or e-course below, and respond to the first message you get from me with your questions, concerns, or ideas. (This protects my e-mail inbox from getting spam.)

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