Healthy Teeth | Dental Hygeine | Raederle's Radio Show | Eat Live; Live Well
The following outline goes with an episode of our radio show:
Teeth & Calcium — click here to listen.

Dental Hygiene
avoid falling into the trap of bad teeth:
- Drink a gulp of water after every meal and swish over your teeth to clean them – however, do this only to clean your teeth. Drinking excessive water after a meal can dilute stomach acid and slow digestion.
- Do not brush teeth directly after a meal. Acids in fruits (and some other foods) temporarily weaken teeth enamel. Wait at least forty minutes to brush teeth after a meal.
- Use plain baking soda and water to brush your teeth one to two nights out of each week (except if you use Good Gums, which would make the practice of using baking soda redundant.)
- Use plain drinking water to brush your teeth one to two nights out of each week. Do not use toothpaste with fluoride.
- Avoid using toothpaste with glycerin more than a handful of times in a month. Do not use sweetened toothpaste.
- Tooth soap is a good alternative to tooth paste.
- Tooth powder formulas such as “Good Gums” and “Eco Dent” make great alternatives as well. One advantage to tooth-powders is that they are 'airport security friendly.'
- Most importantly: Get enough calcium (see below).

- Calcium is important for bones, nerves, teeth, stomach acid, muscles and the ability of the blood to clot.
- Constant joint 'popping' may be a sign that you are lacking calcium and/or iron.
- In America, over the age of forty, roughly fifty percent of people are seriously calcium deficient, and over the age of sixty, over ninety percent.
- Osteoporosis, pain, angina, fractures, muscle cramps, fatigue, gall stones, and virtually every ailment known to man can be a sign of a calcium deficiency.
- It's estimated that eighty percent of chronic illnesses include a calcium deficiency.
- If you're already a vegan then you may know that diary is not a good source of calcium. World wide statistics show that the higher the dairy consumption of the country, the higher the osteoporosis. Many documentaries, books, websites, etc, talk about this at length, so if you're interested, look it up.
- However, if you look at Calcium to Phosphorus ratios, dairy is one of the few food groups that has more calcium than phosphorus. The other food group is leafy vegetables.
- All leafy vegetables, including cabbage, spinach, and lettuce, have more calcium content than phosphorus content.
- Some calcium content is lost in cooking, but because calcium is a mineral, not a vitamin, it is not wholly gone. The amount of calcium lost depends on the cooking method and the food in question. Foods with their skin in tact during cooking lose less calcium. Foods steamed lose less than foods boiled.

Consuming Greens Without Using A Juicer
- Blend greens | Drink green smoothies
- Blend greens and use a nut-milk bag to strain out the pulp
- Make a squished-greens salad, which is great for chard, kale and other dark greens
- Steam vegetables lightly
- Grate ingredients | Make a big veggie-slaw

Water Consumption
The most detoxing thing you can consume is – *drum roll please* – water.
The following increase the need for water:
The following decrease the need for water: