Raederle's Testimonials

The following statements are made by customers and friends. I am awed and delighted to have touched so many people.
~ Raederle

"You are my kind of person!"

It's more than just being positive, instead of negative... You are someone who cares about the state of the world, and cares enough to seek out and share info and inspiration with others... you are my kind of person!
~ Russell Davis (October 14th 2011)

"We love the Nut-Free Raw Recipes!"

In response to Nut-Free Raw Recipes:
Hi Raederle,
Last night I made "Magnificent Minty Mango" (from Nut-Free Raw Recipes) with hemp seeds and my husband and I loved it.
Tonight I made Vanilla Cream Pie and we loved that too!
Looking forward to doing more. Love!
~ Toni Vandyke, Buffalo, NY (2011)
Toni also says:
I feel that you are a special little gem, placed here to help the world and it's people heal.
- Toni Vandyke, Buffalo NY (May 26th 2011)
Later Toni bought Vitamin Confusion Solution and wrote:
OMG I am positively awed by your book. It's amazing! So packed full of information! It is such a great reference book. This work deserves recognition! It is fabulous on all counts Raederle!
- Toni Vandyke, Buffalo NY (September 16th 2012)

"I lost 11 pounds in 30 days!"

I feel so much better eating raw.
Last night I made a nice raw hummus and John and I dipped kale romaine lettuce into it.
It has been a month since I started eating all raw and I have lost eleven pounds. I am doing this because of how it makes me feel and for my long term health, so the weight loss is not my main motivation, but of course I want to lose the weight and am happy it is inching downward over time.
Thank you Raederle! For all your recipes, advice and encouragement!
~ Lisa O'Neil, St. Augustine, FL (April 2012)
Lisa has told me she'd be very happy to speak with anyone who wants to ask about her experience. Lisa's e-mail: oneillisa@yahoo.com
Lisa's artwork: lisaoneil.com

"I can finally see my abs!"

Hi Raederle,
I made your almond butter and celery smoothie and loved every ounce of it. I will no doubt try your other recipes. You are the inspiration many people need.
I appreciate your hard work, dedication and love for natural life. I have finally gotten my abs from switching to all naturual foods. My core feels so strong and I have tremendous amounts of energy and stamina. I appreciate you and the good you do. Keep up the good work.
Jean Mathurin
~ Jean Mathurin (October 2013)

"I lost 6 pounds in 30 days without adding any exercise!"

Ma'am, let me tell you, it's weird eating like this. The strangest thing is the lack of hunger as I knew it. I used to get so hungry I would pay anything for food. Now hunger is tolerable for long stretches of time.
I feel like I am incredibly alert all of the time as well. The most amazing thing has been losing 6 pounds in a month with a pretty minimal amount of exercise.
Oh, and the other really amazing thing is how good salad actually tastes without dressing slathered all over it! Americans really treat salads as dressing delivery vehicles but honestly, I still like salad without the dressing so I'm just not going to use it anymore.
~ Sarah Leven, Buffalo NY (March 2011)

"My cravings are gone and I'n really enjoying Blissfully Balanced"

Diane Chesla says, "Hi Raederle! I tried my first recipe from Blissfully Balanced & it was fantastic! It was the Muscle Recovery Smoothie from Day 1 with the pumpkin seeds, bananas, spinach etc." on March 20th 2013
Diane adds on March 25th, "Loved the pecan-walnut apple pie recipe! One thing I notice is that my cravings have simmered & I feel like I'm eating less food throughout the day. Probably because each meal is packed with nutrients that actually absorb well into my system."
~ Diane Chesla (March 2013)

"I finally found a lifestyle and diet that works!"

Its only been a week after switching to only eating fresh, organic, and raw foods and I feel great. I finally found a lifestyle change that I completely love, and will be able to commit to long term. I love the foods, all the recipes are amazing.
I'm sleeping better at night, and I feel better both physically and mentally.
Thank you for everything, you've had such a wonderful impact on my life that I can hardly find the words to say to show you my appreciation. Thank you!
~ Tina Louise, Buffalo, NY (April 2012)

"I'm thrilled about discovering delicious desserts without refined sweeteners"

Raw vegan lunch by Chef Raederle today. Green Ginger Cookies, Raw Banana Cream Pie, and a salad with kale, spinach and romaine. BAM!! I'm in heaven!
I am so grateful for this meal today...!
The conference I attended today had nothing but refined sugar and breads to offer... Fourteen hours spent in the car or at the conference.
So grateful for making the best choice for me today. And having such tasty alternatives to the as sugar well! ♥ ♥ ♥
Raederle, you're a treasure to find! I really love your gentle approach and style.
~ Susan Eleanor Griskonis, New Jersey (April 2012)

"My skin improved in the first week after buying your recipe books!"

Raederle's recipe books are amazing, packed to the brim with delicious, mouthwatering dishes which as an added bonus are all amazingly healthy in every way possible. I've only been following the book for the last week but I already feel healthier and my skin looks more radiant and glowing than ever before. Thanks Raederle! Thank you for all your amazing health and nutrition tips. You're amazing!
~ Keidi Keating, The Word Queen, Málaga, Spain (January-April 2012)

"I love your healing & success e-mail program."

I just love your emails!!! You are such an inspiration to me!!! WOW!!! I've been vegan for 23 years now and I'm still learning! Love it!!!
Thank you so much for sharing!!!
~ Jocelyne Hubert (October 2012)

"I love your recipes!"

Raederle's meals are honestly some of the most deliciously healthy meals I have ever enjoyed. She is passionate in her work and has extensive knowledge. Creating artistic and unique meals out of raw vegetables, fruits and herbs flows naturally from her. Her creations are immensely tasty and healthy.
I highly recommend experiencing Raederle's love-inspired talents.
She is a great pleasure to be around at a personal level with such an obvious love of people. You can see that she gets a deep enjoyment in creatively combining unique flavors, colors, textures and physically nourishing qualities of foods to produce delicious main courses, side dishes, appetizers and healthy desserts. Her creations are pleasing visually as well as in taste and texture, and these factors contribute to abundant good health.
(May 2012)
Other comments from Aaron:
"Thank you, Raederle! Your empathy, insights and appreciation has been and is deeply respected and appreciated." January 13th 2012
"I deeply appreciate your generosity and natural enthusiasm for healthy energy intake." March 16th 2011
~ Aaron Irons, California, (2011-2012)

"I love Nut-Free Raw Recipes!"

Nut-Free Raw Recipes is great! I like how you explained the 'whys' and 'hows' of things, and the photos look yummy. One of my favorite parts are the quotes you include with each recipe.
~ Veronika S., San Francisco, CA (March 2011)

"I have seen your beauty and intent."

Raederle, you are breath of fresh air! I have seen your beauty and intent. If half the people in this world cared half as much as you Raederle, we'd all be in a better place!
Thank you Raederle!!! You attract kindness because that's what you are. You surround yourself with the things that make you happy because that's who you are. Your inspiration & gifts of you are all the thanks anyone needs! Keep being an amazing person!
~ Polly Dalgarn, Spokane, Washington (February 24th 2011, January 13th 2012)

Keidi is thankful for my advice

Hi Raederle! I'm definitely going to invest in a sprouter as that does sound very healthy. Thankfully the pains have mostly gone now... Thanks so much for all your advice on what to eat. I've taken it all on board and as I'm really busy with my work I know I'll have to work in the changes gradually but by the end of this year I'd really like to eat mostly a raw diet too. Hurry up and release your next ebook!!! Love & light.
~ Keidi Keating, Málaga, Spain (March 1st 2011)

"I'm inspired!"

"I want to thank you. ...You've inspired me. Tomorrow I will just buy two apples at whole foods (instead of buying corn chips, pasteurized apple juice and canned beans), and then meditate more so my stomach will be happy with less proteins and starches.
Rasaviharii, Jamalpur, Bihār, India (March 3rd 2011)

"Your advice really helped!"

Thanks - your advice has really helped. You're a fab writer... You should write a book... Oh yeah, you are!!!
~ Keidi Keating, Málaga, Spain (March 5th 2011)

"Your website is incredibly helpful."

I have to say, your website is incredibly helpful. I don't have nearly the discipline you do, but every day that I stick to minor dietary changes I notice such a change in everything! From how I feel to how I think.
~ Nichole Griggs (March 7th 2011)

"I'm impressed and proud."

As somebody that has known you for years now, you don't even seem like the same person you were when I first started reading your online blog (roughly six years ago). The change is completely amazing and it is really neat to see how you've grown up into a healthy, happy and loving woman (your writing skills have also improved ten fold!) I wonder what you will be writing about and feeling in ten years?
I have really been reevaluating my food choices this past few months and you have a huge amount to do with that... Thank you! I have a long way to go but I am proud of myself. And I am proud of the amazing woman you have become!
I really have watched you grow up in a sense!
~ Stacey Fay, Springfield, Oregon (May 18th 2011 and January 13th 2012)

"I feel motivated and informed."

Thanks for the info as always. You are always so motivating and informational. Your words and your life serve as a testimonial to better choices and opportunities.
~ Justin Wilson (June 15th 2011, January 13th 2012)

Aaron Irons posted to my facebook wall:

Just feel like sharing I genuinely appreciate your honest, appreciative & open minded friendship, Raederle!
And that you care enough to communicate truthfully, respectfully and responsively. Seems rare among many people, and another beautiful aspect about your being.
Written on August 20th 2011. The next day Toni Vandyke commented:
I'm in total agreement with that Aaron.

Ashlyn is making raw-vegan bloody Mary drinks

I'm thanking you right now for that tip about juicing hot peppers. I just made the most amazing raw bloody Mary! Sans vodka, of course. Thanks!
~ Ashlyn Pardee (October 9th 2011)

Andriele sings praises that warm my heart

You are beautiful in and out. I am so happy to be connected with you and have you as an inspiration on my journey. I am thankful for you Raederle for being so truthful to our lifestyle and sharing so much knowledge! You are a star that radiates the purest vibrations! I love you for being YOU!
~ Andriele DaSilva (October 31st 2011 and January 13th 2012)

Jessica is inspired

I'm writing you to congratulate you on your tremendous work: The raw vegan recipes, meal planing, your outstanding artwork and your poetry. I love your work. It is very inspiring. ...And if I may add, you look great now, you have changed a lot from high school. You look lovely! ...Keep doing what your doing because your work truly is great and wonderful. Thank you for your advice in health fitness and eating habits, etc. It has been helping me.
~ Jessica Mendez, Buffalo NY (December 15th 2011, January 13th 2012)

Alicia is thankful

You are beautiful, wonderful and unique person. Thank you for everything that you do. You are awesome Raederle!
~ Alicia Estabrook, Manheim, Pennsylvania (March 7th 2011 and January 13th 2012)

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