Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome to

Hi there, and welcome to my website. To receive a comprehensive e-mail course from me (for free) enter your name and e-mail below.
New: Is it possible to have a nutritionally complete diet if you are a Fruitarian?
New: Spending Time Wisely, an article/blog on how I've spent the last ninety days and how I keep track of time well spent.
New: Listen to this incredible Interview with Paul. He lost 90 pounds and cured his cancer. His diverticulitis was healed, his life-long allergies departed, and his eye sight improved.
I'm migrating all of my web content from all of my blogs and sites across the web to All of my content will be here and accessible from the links at the top of this page.
All the art you see on this page (the background, the headers, the footer, etc) is created by me. If you're interested in custom illustration, visit the services page.
Use the buttons at the top to find anything you're looking for. Things that are not listed elsewhere can be found on the site map.
Questions or comments? Visit the contact page.
~ Raederle Phoenix
Pronounced: Ray-der-lee Fee-nix
About: "Raederle" comes from the trilogy Riddle Master of Hed and was giving to me by my mother. "Phoenix" is after the fire bird which heals with its tears and rises from its ashes, and was given to me by my father.
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