Day 5 | Raederle's Raw Blog
September 7th 2010 | Day 5 | Failure & Success
Oh where has the day gone!
I have failed at doing an all-water cleanse.
However, I have been 100% raw for longer now than my usual, with lots more green drinks in succession than I've ever had in my life. I am finding some success at raw foods at last!
I've got to admit that I have had more energy today than I can remember having in weeks. (I've been closeted up with my novel and not spending enough time making salads or exercising...)
I sanitized the trash-bin today. (Trying to continue to clean something thoroughly each day. Parasites of all shapes and sizes: Begone!)
I did a lot of work-outs and went on a thirty minute walk with my husband today. (This would have been impossible for me a mere few months ago!)
I took a very long shower after working up a good sweat which is excellent for cleansing the pores of toxins and healing troubled skin.
Total consumption overview for the day:
- 2 herbal parasite-killing pills, and 3 enzyme pills
- 3 tall glasses of water
- 1 green drink (spinach, lettuce, green onions, celery, carrot & carrot top, cucumber)
- A handful of blackberries
- A few handfuls of raw pistachios
- ½ banana,
- 1 apple
- A few mouth-fulls of coconut water
An awesome side note: My Raw Blog now has two new features: Blurbs (Q & A page) and My Raw Food Photo Gallery. (This is obviously a very out-of-date and irrelevant statement, as these were pages on Really Raw Raederle back in 2010 and 2011.)
~ Raederle Phoenix

Blast From The Future
Check it out! I've hopped in a time machine and gone back some years to add this note to the bottom of an entry from 2010! Okay, in reality, this post is a blast from the past. To see more blog entries, articles, and everything of awesomeness, visit the site map where you can use the search bar to look for articles on certain topics, or peruse the page for something relevant to your interests.
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